Firstly I’m a little confused. Are you trying to imply your child has the symptoms of asthma but isn’t actually asthmatic? Because that is what symptomatically asthmatic would imply, otherwise they’d simply be asthmatic.
Secondly, and I may be wrong about this, but I don’t believe there is much evidence that marijuana increases the risk of asthma. Certainly in the few studies I’ve read comparing marijuana and tobacco smoke, the pot-only-smokers show no significant increase in risk compared to non-smokers. I’m happy to be proven wrong here if anyone can point to a reputable study. Regardless, your child will be fine if they’re outdoors, about 2 metres away from a single pot smoker. At that distance it has been shown that the risks from second hand smoke in an outdoor setting are greatly reduced. If there are more smokers, add a little distance, just to be sure.
Meaning Cold or allergen or environmentally induced. She’s fine except when stuff around her flares it up. Could be bad air, could be cigarette smoke, etc.
In our neighborhood specifically, pot smoking tends to be a group activity. And the smell is an irritant. The situation I’m talking about is much like what JamesB referred to…if the kids are playing and that’s affected by the guys next door sending a cloud of smoke over the fence, that’s not ok.
There’s a naivete (not just you) about pot being completely harmless to those around you that’s a little troubling in our society sometimes.
Not sure why you’re linking to the cancer page, irrelevant to anything I’ve brought up.
Ok, that is not what symptomatically asthmatic means. Symptomatically refers to the symptoms, not the cause. It could also imply you’re not sure that your child is asthmatic, but that they show the symptoms, so you might say it at the doctors when trying to determine if they are asthmatic.
I don’t believe I’m naive about pot affecting society. I’m aware (and have argued countless times on BB) that pot can be addictive, which has obvious effects for individuals and those around them. I’m aware that pot can reduce one’s ability to drive safely (although the detrimental affects are less severe than alcohol). I acknowledge that the smell of pot could be considered an irritant. I will not however blindly swallow statements that your neighbours smoking pot is making your kids asthma worse: there is simply no reputable evidence to support your claim.
Link was followup to my previous statement about some folks thinking pot smoke isn’t harmful.
This discussion doesn’t revolve around you, and your understanding of diagnoses of pediatric asthma as caused by outside conditions is quite lacking. Very common diagnosis nowadays. Google “cold or allergy induced asthma.” Or get a kid and move to a shitty-air metro area, one of the two.
Thanks for your input. Don’t blindly swallow anything. Best way to find out is to do the reserach…don’t believe me or anyone else for that matter.
Ok, I see where the confusion regarding asthma began between us. I looked at the term “symptomically asthmatic” and was confused. Symptomatically refers to symptoms. It seems in some circles, environmentally induced asthma is referred to as Symptomatic Asthma; it’s not a term I’ve ever heard in Australia, and I’ve had asthma most my life. Drop the ally and your term is correct.
As for the rest, I encourage you, do the research. If you find any strong evidence linking cannabis to asthma I’d be intrigued. I’ve looked before and haven’t found much more than vague links.