Originally published at: Neanderthals likely interbred to extinction by modern humans | Boing Boing
So that’s what happened…
(It is really interesting reading about Neanderthal DNA bubbling up in modern humans. If it weren’t for the privacy deal, I’d go for one of those tests.)
Having sat through CAVEMAN, the Neanderthals got the better deal.
Talk about ‘Oh-NO! Sapiens.’
Isn’t this just saying there was a lot of inbreeding among the last of the Neaderthals, because there were so few of them left? IE the inbreeding didn’t cause them to go extinct, them going extinct caused inbreeding at the very end.
I thought this was old news.
I love pointing out to the white supremacists who care about purity that their DNA has ~2% Neanderthal genes, while people from sub-Sahara Africa do not.
One of the interesting parts is that those of us who carry some amount of Neanderthal DNA aren’t all carrying the same Neanderthal genes, so you could theoretically reconstitute a population of nearly full-blooded Neanderthals if you collected enough DNA samples and employed an ethically challenged geneticist. (For the record: that would be a pretty effed-up thing to do.)
eta: I shouldn’t have stopped to compress.
The plot to Frankenstein 2123?
That’s how I interpreted it as well.
The novelty is that at the point the genetic problems begin is the point where genetic material shared with homo sapiens turned up, which creates an interesting and more specific correlation with our genitals.
F**k? Nya, zug zug!
We zug zugged them to death.
That company that has all those DNA & Me samples already is just one step away from Neanderthal Park, you say?
Well there’s a bleak thought. I certainly hope our species is done with putting other members of humanity (even a different subspecies) on display as zoo exhibits. We had enough of those in the last couple centuries.
Kind of wish I hadn’t thought of it now.
That was hideous.
You can always visit one of those plasticized human anatomy exhibits.
I’d rather watch the Kardashians. Pretty much the same, just not dead, right?