Near-naked fan streaks across PGA golf course before belly-flopping into pond (video)

Or move just fast enough to allow the cops to keep up but not catch him.

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This ‘golf’ thing looks like fun!

I have to wonder how much cash Waste Management had to put up to convince the PGA that allowing a garbage company to sponsor their event was a good idea.

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Yeah, I did
I’s standin’ over there by the tomaters
And here he come
Running through the pole beans
Through the fruits and vegetables
Nekkid as a jay bird
And I hollered over t’ Ethel
I said, “Don’t look, Ethel!”
But it’s too late
She’d already been incensed.


yuck. he dove into a water trap/pond on a golf course?! any idea the horrible toxic soup that “water” is? all the chemicals used on the greens end up in those ponds and he jumped in “nearly naked”?

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