
Drop everything and read this:


ETA: moved this from the topic here to explain why you should read this.

Personally, I am currently contemplating how to convince everyone at office to skip a meeting on Monday (attendance obligatory, around 25 attendees), hoe to get my family to not coming over on Sunday for a long postponed birthday celebration, how to convince my family that we need to stop attending childcare, and so on.

The thing is, the cognitive dissonance is strong even with me. I am a biologist with a statistics background. I should know better. But while having a cold (symptoms: sneezing, runny nose, later: clogged sinuses, headaches on and off, productive non-dry cough, no fever at all) I went to work the last two weeks. I organised a yearly work meeting on 3.3.2020 of about 80 people while being on the height of my cold, expecting that this would be a pandemic.

I am an idiot, and I will have to decide if I go to work today in the next hour.

That article above, read about eight hours ago, did more to break my own cognitive dissonance than any other single piece up until now.

Decisions must be made. By me.