Originally published at: Nestlé launches new vegan shrimp called — wait for it — "Vrimp" | Boing Boing
Fuck Nestle, assholes.
Shrimp made from Vegans, sounds like a business opportunity.
Is it still Kosher if you go out of your way to make it taste like the forbidden foodstuff?
Good name for a Vegan Band.
“Vrimp” doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, does it.
Well no, not English-speaking ones.
I guess it beats the alternative portmanteau based on “plant-shrimp,” “pimp.”
But seriously:
They could’ve gone with Shr’mp, to go along with the “chik’n” and “be’f” vegan-friendly meat substitutes being made by Healthy Choice.
No, I’m not joking, their fake cow meat really is called “be’f”.
yeah, I’m keeping an apostrophe-free diet, myself.
No doubt Vrimp is to shrimp as Nestlé infant formula is to breast milk.
But they don’t provide the recommended daily dose of essential vowels.
This is not in any way a new thing.
e.g. https://gtfoitsvegan.com/product/vegan-imitation-shrimp-by-all-vegetarian/?v=7516fd43adaa
Soylent Pink.
As far as whether to eat it, i’ll use the other portmanteau of shrimp and plant: Shan’t
“It’s not a shrimp! You stupid little thick-headed Saxon git!”
I can’t believe it’s not Shrimp?
I don’t know, I’ve eaten a few vegans and I couldn’t really tell a difference. Now if they’d been eating a lot of asparagus? Yeah, that made a difference.