Netflix launches $100 million coronavirus relief fund to help jobless cast and crew

Originally published at:

Additional $15M will go to third parties and nonprofits


They also know who butters their bread – everyone who is self-isolating/quarantined at home rn. Smooth move, Netflix.


Honestly, I don’t see how that matters. It’s not like anyone is cancelling their subscription to Netflix right now.

Well, if they didn’t treat their community right, folks could protest by streaming through other places instead.

A) Decent thing to do. Pity our governments haven’t figured that out yet.
B) Also good business. Pity other companies haven’t figured that out yet.


Netflix Europe is streaming in SD, Now. Gotta preserve that upstream bandwidth for teleworkers.

Right?! Netflix has its issues, such as an awful UI, but dammit they’re decent and good at business.

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Been looking for Italian movies I haven’t seen yet. Will check Netflix selections today & possibly try them out…

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