Netherlands disqualified from Eurovision song contest after mysterious backstage incident

Hopefully with a caffe corretto :coffee:


Or how about that film company that declares itself “universal” while its trademark image has always been that of the globe?

Misnomers are fun sometimes…


The Voice of World Control is expected to perform strongly in Eurovision(missiles are on standby if it doesn’t); though there’s still some controversy over eligibility, with a US/Soviet entity using a subsidiary broadcast site in Greece raising some eyebrows…

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I wonder if the Guardian writer who used the phrase “the famously apolitical song contest” about Eurovision enjoys dry sarcasm or not getting UK-libel-lawsuited?


Why not both?


Nothing to do with libel. You can complain long and loud about the EBU being political and bigoted all you like.


Also the voting has ALWAYS been political. Though now of course the social media army/ online propaganda operatives of certain countries have joined that front.




Speaking as a Brit, I decided weeks ago to boycott Eurovision this year, because of the inclusion of Israel, and I wrote to the BBC to tell them. Obviously that’s a pathetically small effort to make, and I’m not proud of myself.

My daughter and her friends, normally huge fans, all boycotted the show. UK viewership was down almost 25% compared to last year, which proves a lot of people feel the same way, that Israel’s attack on Gaza is unconscionable and must stop.

All sorts of protests in the streets and universities, including Europe and the USA, have shown that the centre of gravity of public opinion has turned against Israel. I know many Jewish people and Israeli citizens are also against the Israeli government action.

The powers that be ignore this weight of public sentiment at their peril.


Ah yes, but Israel was busy astroturfing the public vote to pretend there was a groundswell of support for murdering Palestinians.

If you check your local fringe racist feeds they will be boasting of voting 20times for Israel and the Eurovision will be happy.


And they’re openly admitting it on local media

Translated extract:

The support Golan received from the European audience was preceded by a campaign by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the government publicity bureau for Eurovision fans, in which the Israeli representative addressed them in French, Italian, Spanish, German, Czech, Latvian, Estonian, Albanian, Georgian and English - and asked them to vote for her.


Yeah I saw that. But it was also immediately obvious at the time. You saw all the usual fools like Labour Friends of Israel and Irish fascists boasting and spreading it.

Israel behaves online very similarly to how Russia does. Including the confluence of gangsters/criminals/spies/government agencies etc.


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