I read the füll of yarn as talk talk talk and IT IS EXACTLY LIKE THIS. Maybe also task 1? tasktask 4. Task X. Task n. task ‡ task1…?
Thank you for this. While I’ve never formally been diagnosed, the more I see & read about autism, the more it resonates. Subscribed to his channel.
Foucault has entered the chat…
Old rule: If you have met one autistic kid, you have met one autistic kid. There are no blanket rules, any more than for any group of humans.
Don’t get me started on current representation on TV. Is it better than no representation? In the long run, I guess, because it’s better than being invisible, but barely.
The metaphor of masking implies concealment. We’re not only trying to blend in and belong, we’re trying to pretend not to be what we are. In addition to this crucial concept, I’d love it if there was an alternative, maybe called, “Hatting” where the wearer of the hat is not trying to conceal their identity, but just asserting one aspect of it. “Are you wearing your “attorney” hat, or are you speaking as my friend?” -that kinda thing.
If ND folk had the option to participate in society without having to reinforce social standards, it would go a long way toward equity.
Applied behavior analysis has long been considered the gold standard.
… by people living in no fear whatsoever of ever having it applied to them.
This is new news for me: that hearing aids can help auditory processing disorders, not just physical hearing loss.
Guess who’s on the team?!