Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/09/28/new-album-from-pioneering-all-woman-1960s-band-ace-of-cups.html
Here’s the history for those who don’t want to brave the front page:
It’s bad for you but buy it !
Since Denise was a Prankster, she probably knew those acid-laced monkeys from La Honda.
The band was covered twice here in 2018, though I’m sure I made a comment that the band is in the history books, but the comment is gone.
Love the Make America Grateful Again t-shirt at 4:56.
Their song “The Well” with Bob Weir is one of my favorites.
Great to hear some more from them!
@frauenfelder What finally clued you in that she was a band member?
Ace of Cups is a great name, too; full of apposite hermetic resonance, “The Ace of Cups represents issues of love, intimacy, deeper feelings, and compassion. It announces the new beginning of great possibility in this area of life. It can mark the start of a new relationship, or a deeper connection to an existing one” (that’s from the font of all true knowledge in the Age of Pisces, Wikipedia).
We called her on the phone and she told us she got her band back together!
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