Originally published at: New tractor powered by bullshit | Boing Boing
Too bad it can be powered by rhetorical bullshit, as we seem to have an endless supply of that!
Jokes aside, this is good news!
Congress would become a net contributor.
Hell, the Freedom Caucus could provide all the necessary energy for at least a couple of generations!
It is.
But still, is it a Trumptor, or perhaps a Tuckter?
The tractor looks like a giant children’s toy.
All tractors do, these days.
The use of “Tonka” as the stories category made me snort with amusement.
Wait, it’s not from Tesla?
I thought they already were, or has the plan to turn the remains of Abraham Lincoln into a generator (taking advantage of him spinning in his grave) not been completed yet?
Well, there is a clear lack of running anything off their BS thus far… we just need to figure out how to harness it…
Basically, it’s a methane-powered tractor. The technology was available for decades, because methane powered busses are used a lot.
The biggest problem now is that methane prices have skyrocketed, here from 90 eurocents/kg before war the prices are in the rance of 3 euro/kg and a lot of pumps have closed and are sellin only LPG, petrol a nd diesel fuel. Here the bus company has both electric, diesel and metnane busses and I see way more electric and diesel busses than methane ones. Too bat that both electricity prices and diesel fuels are rising…
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