New trailer for HBO's adaptation of "Station Eleven"

Originally published at: New trailer for HBO's adaptation of "Station Eleven" | Boing Boing


Agree the trailer looks great.
The line “I’ll walk you to the L” would never be uttered in Toronto. If they’ve shifted the opening scenes from Toronto to Chicago, I will never forgive them. Doubly so if they filmed them in Toronto anyway.


Oh man, I came here to say the same thing. They did film it in TO, and it looks like they have definitely changed it to Chicago :face_with_head_bandage: Currently trying to figure out why they changed the theatre location away from the Elgin Winter Garden…

Oh - wikipedia says they changed shooting locations halfway through:

Filming began in Chicago in January 2020.[15] Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, production moved to Mississauga on February 1, 2021, and concluded on July 9, 2021.[16]


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