New world record for gurning, hopefully his face doesn't freeze like that

Originally published at: New world record for gurning, hopefully his face doesn't freeze like that | Boing Boing

Huh, looks like the challenge there is holding his breath for a long time. And I’d think he could train to hold it longer than that?

Maybe pulling that face hurts his muscles somehow?


I can’t even figure out what he’s doing, but it doesn’t look comfortable, that’s for sure. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn it was painful.

Does he not have teeth?

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Gurning is usually done by people who can take their tteeth out, yeah. But I think this guy also has something unusual with his skull. Or maybe he is the kwisatz haderach.


“I can only hope that his face never freezes like that.”

According to my mother (and countless other moms), it’s inevitable.

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Mild Dune spoiler ahead:

I’d more expect his name to be along the lines of “Leto II” in that case :wink:

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