New York primaries: Democrats' finance-affiliated fundraising superstar got his ass kicked by a young woman with a Democratic Socialist platform

Oh, yes. In particular, the idea that people who now voted for Trump would have flocked to Sanders in large numbers seems questionable, since IIRC, there’s plenty of evidence that racial resentment played a much greater role than actual economical issues in Trump’s support.


Didn’t we just see that in 2016? What would happen would be the DNC would circle wagons around their insider candidate, and collude and act in every way possible to undermine the better candidate. OOOhhhh, you mean what would happen if they didn’t do that?


no. unfortunately there is one other person that DOES exist in his mind…for all the wrong reasons.

Ocasio-Cortez will be a guest on Colbert’s late show tonight.

post Edit - she was on, she is delightful, heres the segment:


Especially since so many of those fandoms have become incredibly toxic. Just look at the nonsense with Star Wars fanbois for example. Dudes need to get over themselves.


Almost all fandoms seem to have a disturbingly large percentage of zealots that are utterly toxic; it’s off-putting, to say the least.


Does “reading tea leaves” mean “throwing money at consultants”?


I imagine Colbert will have to clear his questions with the brass upstairs.


Yes I mean what would happen if the DNC chose to opporate as if it were part of a larger democratic institution and seek candidates that reflected the desires of its electorate versus putting up ersatz progressiveish people who will pay lip service to progressive values?

It might actually inspire people.

I don’t see a red/blue divide so much as a universal f these assholes. Because HRC was pretty crappy. I still think it was a super sin not to vote for her but she is singularly uninspiring.

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Yeah, well you’ve just outlined an approach that would distinguish the Dems and could meet with broad success. Instead we have to fight within the Democratic party to even attempt this. Which tells me the mainstream DNC is as bought at the republicans.


Damn I knew I was spelling operate very badly.

She’s great. I hope I get to vote for her some day.


I absolutely hate modern fandom. Not only does there seem to be a necessary litmus test for being a true fan, your infatuation must be all-consuming and outwardly adamant at all times.

The only litmus yet when I was a kid was constant ridicule. Now all those assholes are driving SUVs with their family portrayed as Star Wars characters on the rear hatch and blowing $100 taking them to see Infinity Gauntlet. I take a cruel delight in that idea, honestly.

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Funny that it’s when women and people of color become more visible that all of a sudden fandom’s gone to shit. Must be a coincidence, I’m sure.


Ugh, that’s been a huge part of it. The whole Ghostbusters thing really got me. Most of those little assholes weren’t even alive then and, you know, it was fucking Ghostbusters, for fuck sake. Not exactly a masterpiece of cinema. Warner Bros. destroyed Eyes Wide Shut while Kubrik’s corpse was still warm and nobody gave a shit. You’re really that worked up about goddamn Ghostbusters!?! Grow the fuck up.

Fuck Zak Snyder’s fascist take on everything great and his little pink army of bullies, fuck racist trolls trying to take down Black Panther, fuck Get Out losing Best Picture and fuck Star Wars forever.

Sorry. End of rant.


Honestly, though, I think that there has always been some degree of that kind of shit in fandom. It’s just much more visible now with the internet. Everyone jackass with an “opinion” about how Rei and Rose are “ruining” star wars can post their views on a blog or a youtube video, and pretend like their some sort of cultural expert, when they weren’t even born back then (as you say).


Absolutely. Marc Maron has lately been saying something to the effect of:

“Just because everyone gets to have a voice now doesn’t mean they should.”

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It probably does, along with, making sensationalistic analyses in order to get more clicks/eyeballs. The vote was approximately 16,000 to 12,000, I believe, from reading the NY dept of elections website. That’s nowhere near as big as, say, the Alabama senate election, or the Pennsylvania election.

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