New York Times tried to change today's Wordle word that suddenly seemed icky after Politico leak

Originally published at: New York Times tried to change today's Wordle word that suddenly seemed icky after Politico leak | Boing Boing


Yes, so few people understand that Wordle is heavily reliant on cutting-edge top-secret technology of extra-terrestrial origins that is so opaque to even the most experienced software engineers that it’s nearly impossible to modify without risking irreparable harm to the space-time continuum.


do they mean this: todaysWord = wordArray[ randomInteger( today_as_seed ) % wordArray.length]

I’m fascinated by how Wordle was so successful despite not building the app with things other apps consider must-haves. Core among these is no need to call home every day to get the word. You get all the words up-front.

This works great when you don’t want to own a server that just hands out today’s words. I guess if you need to control the words then you have different incentives. Although a server to hand out words seems pretty straight-forward. I’m sure NYT can get that built.


I got it today in 6, which is off from my average of <4.5, so I’m filing a lawsuit for emotional damages.


I hope Josh Wardle has a hefty consulting rate in a contract with NYT, with various multipliers.


Not even. It’s more like:

todaysWord = wordArray[daysSinceLaunch]


Yeah, when I solved it my first reaction was “oof, I’m gonna hear about this in the news…”

Wordle 324 4/6


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It’s not that it’s so complex that nobody can figure out how it works, it’s that it relies heavily on localStorage, which as its name would imply, exists locally on your device. If a user already has Wordle open in a tab, and they never refresh it, it can’t (currently) be updated by NYT.

Of course, they could add a way to update localStorage without having to refresh, but that’s not how the game currently works, and even if they added this functionality, it would still rely on users to refresh the page to get the updated version so that future versions could be pushed automatically.

This is the same reason people were able to download offline copies of Wordle before NYT bought it; all of the code runs locally.



More [quote=“deltaecho, post:9, topic:220876, full:true”]
ISWYDT, but it’s definitely more evidence that we’re living in a simulation.

Or that we’re pretty well wired to consider coincidence as correlation, and thus are superstitious. But probably the former.

Also, it should have six letters.

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Fœtus has five characters.

Yes, I know it is a hypercorrection, but we need to find some way to make it work in Britain.


I tried to come up with a joke about Texas being mad at NYTs for removing Fetus from Wordle, but it’s hard to find humor in the approaching darkness.


Doesn’t it need the full array of words anyway to know what you’re allowed to guess?


I know what’s bugging me: New York Times tried to change today’s Wordle word that suddenly seemed icky after Politico leak

There is nothing icky about the word fetus. I was a fetus once; odds are, so were you.

New York Times Tries to Appease Fundamentalist Extremists by Removing Innocuous Word from Puzzle



If anyone prefers meta-wordle, take a look at the wordle analyzer. It’s a lot of fun. WordleBot: Your Daily Wordle Companion - The New York Times

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It took me awhile to get into Wordle, but now I’ve taken a shine to it. :smirk:


Meme Reaction GIF by Robert E Blackmon
One small but dangerously powerful group is politicizing the word “fetus.” It’s not an icky word.


I’m just psyched I have a chance to drag out the whole WE CAN PUT A MAN ON THE MOON, BUT WE CAN’T… schtick.


We can send a man to the moon