Newark customs officers "hazed" new hires on a "rape table" in a locked room

Sincere question, what else is it about?

Because the story you related sounded exactly like a would-be display of social hierarchy.


That’s an insult to weirdos…


If experience is any guide, then if I provide any specific example case, I will be roundly vilified and my example will be deconstructed as though proving it false would disprove the general thesis that human males aren’t meat robots, incapable of complex and differing motivation. So with honest apologies I will not enter that particular snake pit today; perhaps some other day.

Attempting to ascribe a single motive to billions of actions committed in millions of times and places under wildly various circumstances is not a way to find truth, although admittedly oversimplification is a mainstay of political thought.

I will agree with that! “A band of brothers equal and above all others” perhaps.

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If this place strikes you as such a pc, sjw snake pit, then why do you keep coming back?


Please. There are plenty of 15 year olds who are well aware that this sort of behavior is wrong - I’d argue that many do. It’s our culture, not individual immaturity that’s at fault.


Well, technically, the mushrooms one picks and eats are the actual mushroom’s genitals.
Which reminds me, I’ve got all I need for a nice Risotto al Porcini in the larder. I should get off the couch and get into the kitchen…

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<homer> Mmmmmmm … mushroom genitals. </homer>

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I don’t think “about power” is a sufficiently small category that it means we can’t have a nuanced understanding of the different situations. There are defining features of anything. There have been billions of bachelors on this planet, but it isn’t over-general to say they were all unmarried (and I will straight up No True Scotsman any counterexamples to this analogy).


I absolutely agree with you, no need to argue! There are also a great many who would engage in this behavior specifically because society considers it wrong. Part of growing up male - for many of us - is challenging the silverbacks.

Perhaps because our culture does not celebrate those who are mature beyond their years sufficiently? I’m just noodling, but we do already know that being increasingly authoritarian and punitive towards immature teens does not help them grow into better and more caring people - I live in a zero tolerance state so I’ve seen all that first hand.

I think it is, but if you want specific examples I’ll have to PM you. I am not in the proper mood to put a “kick me” sign on my back.

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