Nine hideous Pixar ripoffs

I really hesitate to ask but … have you seen the trailer? Because, um. Apparently Toy Story 3 didn’t traumatize kids enough and so they gave Cars the “gritty reboot” treatment.

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Yeeeaahh. I dunno about that. I don’t think my 5 year old nephew will be too thrilled about watching Lightning McQueen bite it.

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I upvoted this or whatever the hell it’s called here because I’m pretending to know what some of those words mean.

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It was my dumb joke about how easy it is nowadays to record another take digitally. Back when most people were recording directly onto film or an acetate record (dubplate) it was a big expensive production to re-record anything. But, as a consequence, people tried really hard to do it well. Now anybody can try pretty much an infinite number of times, but the lesser barrier of entry also involves more casual people, who will literally record anything and put their only try on the net.

Like one time I was stuck on an Adobe Illustrator problem, so looked for tutorials on YouTube. One of the first videos I found was by somebody who spent five minutes trying to get their video capture and microphone recording right, and the next five trying to get Illustrator to run, and finally two minutes showing off their “helpful tip” which didn’t quite work, but “you get the general idea”. And this was supposed to be helpful to people! Why not edit the clip down to only the last two minutes? Or just try recording it again once you’ve got everything finally working? It might sound picky of me, but I am really not a perfectionist. It just seems like an obvious, basic thing - like not submitting a job application which has coffee rings or bloody fingerprints on it, or going on a date in my pajamas.

By “VO” I meant “voice-over”, recording the audio which explained their video. If it was live journalism I would not fault them on this at all. But how long does it take to try again for a clear recording? Ten minutes? Part of the irony here is that they are complaining about cartoons which are out to make a quick buck while making little basic effort in the craft involved in making something thoughtful and of some quality. That might sound snarky or condescending, but I don’t mean for it to. Just to point out that sometimes all it takes a just caring enough to make a small effort.

I still enjoyed their listicle a bit because it’s relevant to my interests, and I had not heard of all of these.


Oh god, yes. Just a little basic editing, please! Let alone a semblance of a script to follow.

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