Nissan spent years trying to swipe a domain name

I… feeeeel… sooooo… olllllld…


I have a 2013 Nissan LEAF electric vehicle. I think it is a great car. I also think they deserve some praise for making a high quality affordable electric car. I am also unhappy about hearing about how they behaved with regards to this domain name.


I’m glad you went green ! I have a hybrid (Subaru) myself and I love it. However -

“Of the major Japanese brands, Nissan has had the most inconsistent product line.” from -

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While traveling last year, we ended up with a Nissan Versa as our rental. The best thing that car had going for it was a very large glove box. Acceleration was pathetic bordering on dangerously slow while merging to a highway. It also had a mechanical slide to switch the heater between outside & recirculated air (old-timey).
We decided to give it a nickname in line with its presumed namesake (Versatility), we called it “Spork” for a week and a half…


What a curious statement. When a company pays an ad agency $1,000,000 for a big ad campaign, do you see that as them taking worker’s salaries? What a peculiar understanding of commerce and economics. Let me guess, you believe Steve Jobs “did nothing” to deserve his millions and only the Woz who actually “did something” deserves accolades?

Nissan should change their name back (sort of) to Dat Scum.

Agreed to some extent, but I am constantly amazed at how much human culture shapes the slope of that “downhill”. Think how often millions, or even billions, are at stake, and yet we aren’t looking at a mountain of bodies. Bizarre.

Civilization is essentially the grand fight against our baser nature. Castigating misbehaviour, even while understanding its basis, helps to maintain this strange cultural constraint that causes an utterly unnatural unwillingness by the strong to destroy the weak who stand in their way.

So, yes, I’m all about spending the inordinate amount of energy that keeps ponds at the summits of mountains. And its been working. The ponds have been getting bigger for the last 3,000 years.


Fair point.


Paging Dr. Jon Postel!

It was surprisingly hard to design the single largest work of human hands in all history. But the rules actually worked out pretty well, overall.

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This is hardly the only area of law where “first in” matters for an awful lot…


Learned council for the prosecution, “Yes, you where there first… however, I contend, YOU DID NOT CALL DIBS!


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