'No Gays Allowed' in this East Tennessee hardware store

Supply Side Jesus!


If you think that’s bad, you should see who he is banning from his store next


Perhaps the thing to do is to create a religion based on sexual preference… ok so that exists already … but this time make the only allowed preference homosexual.

That would create religious protections for members and they could claim religious discrimination when people like these Tennessee asshats pull crap like this.


Reminds me one of my faves…


Damn, I just wanted to get a hammer and have a bit of sodomy but they don’t allow that in there so I better go to Home Depot.


that was my thought, too: his ability to post this sign and turn people away is evidence that neither of those rights are being infringed.

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Thing is. . . how’s he gonna know you’re gay? Although I’d hate to put money in his pocket, it might be funny for all the local homosexuals to patronize the store, then AFTER they have paid for their goods, tell him “Oh, by the way, I’m gay”, see if he tries to take back the product and refund the money.


Thanks for not making the obvious “Homo Depot” joke.

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I appreciate signs like this. I like it when bigots out themselves. Makes my shopping decisions easier.


Boycott in 3…2…1…

GoFundMe campaign raising tens of thousands so he can “fight the liberals and gays” in 10…9…8…


I think there are het-only and lesbian-only forms of Wiccan or Wiccan.*

*Who would use the masculine singular for mixed or all-female groups? I’ve taken the liberty of correcting that to the neuter plural and feminine plural.

Radio Shack sold the Gaydar sexual-orientation detector that he has installed just inside the door. (Not really.)

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Plus, pretty comfortably in line with public decency codes!


Look on the bright side: at least it isn’t Comic Sans.

What if someone who is just a teensy bit gay needs some (cue pr0n music) hardware?

Back in the 90s I worked as a designer for a big corp. One day I was super sick and went home early. I decided to stop by a newsstand in the south of Market area to buy an Emigre magazine to read in the tub. Sure enough they had a copy! Score. I was leafing thru Art in America or something like that when a young woman sidles up next to me and pulls a magazine down from the shelf right next to mine. I pay no mind. This young lady begins clucking her tongue, tsk tsking and eventually says ‘wow all the hardware these days!’. I think 'hardware/software. So I sez ‘yeah it’s amazing these days!’ Another young lady sidles up on my other side and then lady the first says ‘well I have a pierced labia, but THIS is amazing!’ and thrusts the magazine in front of me where there was a largish picture of what appeared to be a speculum bolted into a woman’s nether bits. Her friend on my other side said ‘wow!’ I said ‘I wonder if that sets of the metal detector in the airport?’ I ran for the cashier, paid and left asap. Some say I missed an opportunity there, but I’m not so sure…



Not sure about tin foil, but obviously you go to East Tennessee for wing nuts!


It truly baffles me the amount of hate and intolerance being exhibited by so many self-professed “Christians”. What about Christian tenants like, “love thy neighbor”, and “judge not that ye be judged”. I guess all the Bible’s references to tolerance, forgiveness, the infalibility of God, and so on can all be thrown out the window when it comes to “teh gays”. Then it’s all “lol just wait until the rapture.”

Just reading the comment section of any of the news articles about the SCOTUS decision just makes me feel like my IQ is dropping in real-time.


Obviously he must or else his gaydar is off the charts!

The cognitive dissonance is strong in this one.


But what if I am a non-op transgender, and attracted to the opposite of my assigned gender? I think this would mean I was gay from my perspective, but not to those who didn’t know me. I had better ask the store to be certain, as I don’t know how far down the rabbit hole they want to go with this. XD


Anybody up for a road-trip, so we can not shop at the hardware store?