Originally published at: No posthumous pardon for George Floyd | Boing Boing
Can Biden pardon him?
Not for state crimes.
Hopefully Beto, then.
I can’t get too worked up over not posthumously pardoning someone.
“ But posthumous ones can show that discredited values of the past are no longer the values of the present.”
I think I see the problem here.
The ‘Vision Statement’ of the TBPP:
The Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles, guided by sound application of the discretionary authority vested by the Constitution of the State of Texas, shall:
Render just determination in regard to parole release and revocations, thereby maximizing the restoration of human potential while restraining the growth of prison and jail populations;
Impose reasonable and prudent conditions of release consistent with the goal of structured reintegration of the offender into the community; and,
Resolutely administer the clemency process with recommendation to the Governor fully commensurate with public safety and due consideration.
I don’t see much in the way of ‘just determination’ or ‘due consideration’ in this decistion.
No big surprise; maybe Beto could use this as a talking point since:
Board Members are appointed by the Governor
and he could replace the majority of the board during his first term.
Putting the ass in Texas.
Probably explains why the pardon didn’t pass muster; conservatism is counter revolutionary in spirit
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