No prison time for teen who raped baby

The book, but the show isn’t based on her experiences.

I don’t want “retribution” based incarceration but there has to be something in between not locking up a rapist and people-need-to-stop-making-rape-jokes federal prison so the kid can be victimized himself.

Edit: Now I see that the parents of the victim wanted to see him in therapy, hopefully something immersive can be provided.


Sorry, not really a car guy. I only do gun analogies.

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Eh as I understand it - it appears A LOT about a person’s personality is hardwired early in childhood, though they aren’t really sure how it works. I am guessing it does have a lasting effect, though perhaps not in a way we can really measure.


I agree on your point about “pound-me-in-the-ass” prison. People that want that are chckenshit sadists without the strength of their convictions. If we’re going to go that route, we might as well own our cruelty and throw the guilty into pits filled with tigers or alligators. If that’s what we are, we should just relinquish our claim to being civilized and get on with it.


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