No, stapling your ears won't help you lose weight

Welcome to the BBS! After a brief google of “body safe staple” not gonna help you with that! :nauseated_face:


Just look at this banana staple in my ear.


Yes, but hammering a nail through your nose certainly helps stop smoking.

I remember going to the Chicago Museum of Holography years and years ago and the lady at the front desk had very clearly given herself a scotch tape facelift. I wanted to know more, but it would have been rude to ask, and she was very nice to a bunch of surly teens on a school trip.

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I’ve noticed there are three eye points - “Eye 1”, “Eye 2” and “Eye”. Does this latter one activate the “third eye”?

Also, the only point which is likely to cause any kind of effect is the one behind the ear marked “Ear”, but it won’t be for healing.

I had it done many years ago.My mom took me to a Chinese acupuncture practitioner. It’s not a staple like the thing that keeps papers together, it’s more like a small tack in the upper part of the ear. You’re supposed to press it several times a day and it was supposed to suppress the appetite. It didn’t work.

This is a blast from the past. I think I saw it on the Mike Douglas Show. You were supposed to wiggle it when you felt hungry. Or maybe the Dinah Shore Show.

Let’s see, intake form at the Chiropractors’ …“Do you expect this to be better or worse than the thick-gelatin capsule full of athlete poop or other coprophagia which would maybe fix your gut biota cohort without being a 1-5 lb. pill?”

“Are you or do you think you’d be allergic to, nickel alloys?”

“Do you want organs stimulated?”

I mean…there’s nerve tracing and parallelism among nerve branches, but also there’s gyms with A/C.


My dad had this done in the late '70s. He always struggled with weight control. As with many other things, Ear-stapling did not help.

What did help was beating prostate cancer. Seems a more direct killer drove home the need to take care of himself.

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