No such thing as Bernie Bros: Bernie's approval rates are women 50%, blacks 70%, latinx 55%; men 46%, whites 43%

Why would anyone think he was only speaking to or for the ‘white bros’? He was openly campaigning on free healthcare… for all, free secondary education… for all, strengthening SSI… for all, amongst many other Progressive issues that would benefit everybody, not just ‘white bros’. The sad thing is that he only rates an approval of 46% with men ane 43% with whites. We would all be better off with this man in the WH as opposed to who we have now. What a different world we would be living in. Funny how it is the white folk and men that are ensuring the destruction of this nation. Leave it to Eddy and Wally and Beaver.


I meant THE Beaver.

And “BernieBro”/misogyny was used to deflect ALL criticism of HRC, starting in October of 2016. It was that dishonest BS that 1st starting pushing me away from Hillary; the final straw was her little Kissinger love-in. THAT shit was utterly horrifying, as well as profoundly stupid optics, if you want to attract progressive (or even truly liberal) votes.

No, I cannot vote for someone who schmoozes with a blatant war criminal and promoter/enabler of mass murder. No, I cannot vote for a well-known Mafia associate, bigot, and idiot; NEITHER Dolt 45 nor Hillary deserved the role of President!


Unless numbers suddenly mean something different while I was sleeping, they are a “thing”, even if they are not the most common thing.

Unlike actual unicorns, which one could claim there is “no such thing”.


Certainly. Nevertheless, that “BernieBro” mantra very likely cost Hillary the election; if nothing else, it was a strong contributor. Furthermore, the exact same BS is used to this day by HRC’s most rabid supporters — “Hillz Shillz” — to deflect all criticism of her failed campaign*, as well as of the DNC and its blatant corruption.

HRC’s supporters also used “BernieBro” and accusations of misogyny in extremely inappropriate ways. Remember Killer Mike’s speech at Morehouse College in Atlanta, which was roundly denounced as “misogynist” by both HRC herself and her supporters…? Well, here’s the entire speech; go on, anyone, feel freeto tell me how it’s misogynist in any way at all:

*Don’t bother trying to argue “failed”; she’s not President.



Killer Mike for president?


A Bernie Bro literally murdered someone, you really can’t erase that phenomenon as not existing because it is important to American politics as a whole to show the recruiting and extremism of white supremacism feeding off prejudiced divides in people. You know, the acts of terrorism actively being erased from political discourse by the government because they are purposely courting white supremecists openly.

I don’t give a shit about what you think about Hillary Clinton, but if you are so worried about people’s opinions about Bernie Sanders because of various social media arguments then maybe look at this poll that show their dislike of Bernie Sanders doesn’t matter. And since it doesn’t matter, maybe you can move past your immediate defensiveness for a term derived from describing assholes on Twitter.

@Bozobub He still made it a point of his speech to describe Hillary Clinton as just a woman, and then used another woman as a shield to pass the buck of his word choice onto her. It’s still a sexist thing to do regardless of context.

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I trust his intelligence, honesty, and integrity enough, that I believe he would flatly refuse the job ^^’.

Re: “just a woman”: On the contrary, what he said was that a uterus, of itself, does not qualify or disqualify you for President, contrary to the narrative of HRC’s supporters. Remember that little quote from Madeline Albright, “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other," while looking and smiling at HRC? Furthermore, Killer Mike’s quote originated from a female activist, whom he properly attributed in the speech; that’s called “what you’re supposed to do”, not “using a woman as a shield”…

You heard “just a woman”, but that’s simply not what he said. Not even close.

Re: the murder you reference: Whatever. The actions of a single person are NOT attributable to the group. Would you care to speculate on how many HRC supporters ended up homicidal? You can damn well be certain that ALL groups voting in the election had their share.


It’s just really disappointing that Hilary was able to steal the nomination away with shady deals. How’s that presidency working out for you Hilary? Was it worth it?


Unfortunately, white feminist women have been throwing black people under the bus since reconstruction. White feminist women have quite often failed most especially black women.

@Bozobub and I often disagree, but I’m with Mike here. Clinton didn’t have the right policies. The tokenism, even with regards to issues like abortion, isn’t acceptable if you believe in the fight that comes at the intersection of race, gender, and class.

That doesn’t mean that Clinton didn’t face real misogyny… she did, even from some Sanders supporters, she did. But throwing around terms like “bernie bro” just obfuscates the problem.


We can say the same about racist and classist, too. Intersectionality is the way to go about dissecting and addressing these problems.


Exactly so; well said.

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What’s most galling to me about this, to date, is that both the DNC and HRC’s suporters still are trying to pound progressives in general, and Bernie’s supporters in particular, completely flat, yet they STILL demand our votes. Yes, literally “demand”. Let me put this simply: No, you do not get to blatantly jigger the primaries and purge all progressives from the party’s administration, then turn around and demand progressive support. Period. Actions have consequences, that simple.


stares at Lena Dunham


Among others. That’s not a new phenomenon, either. At least some white feminists who had been active in the abolitionist movement abandoned black rights after the passage of the 15th amendment giving black men the vote. Some white feminist argued that getting women the vote was part of shoring up whites in America… some were pro imperial. This was especially true of suffragist activists in the south.

Part of the problem was that the mainstream of the movement sought to eliminate the more radical elements that recognized that racism wasn’t helpful in their ultimate goal of equality.


Another good example is the 53% of white female voters who chose Der Orangenführer. I’m sure many of those women consider themselves “feminist”, whether or not that’s actually true by any reasonable standard ^^’.


I’m guessing that many of those women actually don’t understand themselves as feminists, even if they have benefited from the feminist movement.


Coincidentally i was JUST reading this:

Choice quote:

“The Women’s March fueled a feminist revolution,” Richards said. “White women, listen up. We’ve got to do better. … It is not up to women of color to save this country from itself. That’s on all of us.”



Fortunately, the message I’ve been hearing more and more is a variation of this one:

I’m not sure why it’s so difficult for some white feminist women (especially some white Boomer feminist women*) to understand the simple idea that social justice is intersectional and that this is not the zero-sum game that white conservative men would like everyone to believe it is.

[* the kind who talk about “hard-working Americans…white Americans” when they’re competing with an African-American man]


The idea of the “Bernie Bro” was so lucrative and cliched, that even if it did not exist, seeding the idea would be enough for it to become part of the collective conscious. Guy spotted at a Sanders campaign rally chugging beers and carrying on obnoxiously, hence… “They do exist, just not in large numbers. I know because I saw one.”