Non-religious woman who refused judge's order to meet with Christian counselor loses her sons

So. . . she’s an “exorcist” then?

OK, let’s see here. . .

  1. the counselor is demanding that someone believe in god as part of a court-ordered counseling, clearly unconstitutional (imagine if the reverse were going on, that the counselor demanded a religious person renounce god as part of the program), I’m not sure what having a parent write an essay on “What God is to me” is except very obvious (court ordered) proselytising.

  2. she is illegally using a public library to do her job on the cheap, plus apparently taking cash literally under-the-table,

  3. you’re taking the side of “the letter of the law” here, fair enough, but now that this has gone public in a big way the mother will probably get her kids back, the counselor will be facing charges, and the judge will be under some serious scrutiny too, and if it plays out that way, then the court is basically admitting they were wrong.