Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/11/30/north-korea-reportedly-has-a-fleet-of-military-dolphin-assassins-too.html
Yeah, but do they have lasers attached to their frickin’ heads?
So this could simply be another example of people seeing what they want to see in ambiguous aerial photos of a country run by a despot who happens to be on our enemies list.
Brilliantly satirized by Arrested Development:
“He was more than a dolphin, but from another dolphin’s point of view he might have seemed like something less.”
North Korean Fish Peddy Spas
I do hope that when these creatures are demobilised they don’t wind up performing at Sea World. The terror of exploding fish would create haddock among the crowd. They should be trained for a higher porpoise.
Dolphins? Nuclear weapons? Has North Korea become Posadist?
But what does this mean for the DPRK’s unicorn cavalry?
I heard they were being trained to attack our military interests in Uzbekistan and Liechtenstein.
Secret crossbreeding program to develop riding seahorses for Great Leader’s special amphibious stormtroopers.
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