Originally published at: North Korea's hacker army "raking in billions" | Boing Boing
Can’t get that existed/excited about this, it’s Monday, need coffee.
Best wishes, and here’s hoping you get existed soon. I find it’s the preferred state.
Did you not see the part about coffee? Yes, I have a “bad case of the Mondays”…
A post was split to a new topic: Wither Citex?
I thought, therefore I was. I got plastered and no longer existed.
Looting the banks seems like a very communist thing to do.
That would be the first communist thing that the North Korean government have done in decades. How is the withering away of the state going, Kim Jong Un?
It certainly has a pedigree. 1907 Tiflis bank robbery - Wikipedia
This was a long but worthwhile read. I’d often wondered how North Korea became so adept at hacking, and its well explained here. And brings me to the reminder I give folks all the time, every time hacking comes up: YOU are the biggest weakness.
99% of these hacks take advantage of social engineering, convincing us to do something stupid (like click on a malicious link). There’s almost no way to guard against this, you simply have to constantly train and test your people in how to spot fakes and how to be vigilant. Yes, it’s helpful if your IT department has good security software, especially email tools that can weed out most of the phishing attempts, but that’s no guarantee they’ll catch them all. It only takes one.
I gave a talk on phishing a couple of weeks ago. I’ll hammer it home endlessly, but people are far more trusting than we like to think.
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