i’ve seen pictures of vehicles “secured” against theft by chaining them to a post or a tree. i wonder what happens when a similarly equipped individual decides to wrap a chain around their windshield. how will parking enforcement deal with things obstructing the application of the barnacle? especially if the obstruction is a counterfeit barnacle
< UT 2002 announcer > GODLIKE!!
:: coughs and wheezes ::
Looked up how it works on the site.
Return to The Barnacle Drop Box
Best I can do is throw it off the nearest bridge.
maybe they should start marketing them to kia owners…
I once had the idea of issuing traffic wardens (parking official) with a large steel mallet embossed with a No Parking symbol. When they found an illegally parked vehicle they would simply whack a couple of the body panels.
I like making fines like these adaptive to the income of the offender
I hope it’s OK if I cross-post this to The Kids Are Alright thread!
The unbeatable solution would be to smash in a window and pour the car full of concrete.
My uneducated guess would be that the sheet is easier to remove than the barnacle.
yeah, but… can Lovely Rita/ campus cop/ parking enforcement remove said sheet legitimately? i mean, can i then raise a ruckus because they “touched my stuff”? i could say i had just had the windscreen replaced and was told to leave this on for several hours until the new adhesive cured! now you owe me a windscreen replacement, copper!
or, could one simply break one’s own windscreen, making sure to scatter the safety glass bits into the cabin, dicard the barnacle boot, then call Safelight to come out and replace. then claim it on the auto insurance?
(that’s a terrible idea and i am not an insurance fraudster, obvs.)
Oh - the sheet as a prophylactic? (To prevent the barnacle.)
I thought that was about the sheet instead of a barnacle.
Seems about as effective.
Personally, I always remove my windscreen and take it with me.
Make some giant tear-off strips for the windshield, similar to what F1 drivers use on their visors. If someone installs a barnacle just peel it off.
First person who is unable to use their barnacled car in an emergency and suffers monetary or physical loss as a result should initiate a class action lawsuit.
Why is this still called a boot when it goes above the front-end bra?
Has that suit happened with a regular boot? I don’t see the difference here.
No effective difference; this would just add the barnacle as another device that should be included in that lawsuit.
May be worth it just to see some cop wash your windshield for you.
How else to pay for their armchair-warrior tech gear and weapons.
It’s a boot to the head