Originally published at: OceanGate co-founder wants to send 1000 rich people to Venus by 2050 | Boing Boing
… that all seems like the setup to a Futurama joke
I am totally okay with this.
You do have to wonder if this guy has even the slightest clue what Venus is like.
This isn’t from The Onion?
It’s still a scam
Rich people being sent to Venus?
Can they manage to send more than 1000?
But either way: it sure would be a shame if 1000 rich people went to Venus in a ship steered by a glorified video game controller, which then imploded from the pressure.
Come on now, that’ll never happen - they’ll be floating up in the upper atmosphere, where a breathable atmosphere would let them float and the pressure is fairly low. They won’t get crushed - they’ll combust in the heat. Ohhh or asphyxiate or be poisoned from an atmospheric leak. Or it’ll just break apart. Or… well, anyways they won’t implode, so no worries!
I would love to live in that world. In 25 years we will have a space ship that can transport people to Venus along with a floating station that is basically acid proof. Are we going to use a diamond cabled space elevator that’ll be done in 20 years to get people and supplies into orbit?
Are we expecting Optimus Prime to show up in the next decade? Benevolent space aliens? If we are going to have all the tech to really do this in 25 years then at least go for the terraforming angle and talk about converting the CO2 into oxygen and carbon for you space elevator cable.
Meanwhile I’m sitting over here wondering if we will have a 100KW battery pack that weights 500lbs or less in the next decade.
Pohl and Kornbluth have entered the chat.
He may mean Venus, Arkansas… but I don’t think rich people would want to go there.
Guillermo’s plan does give off a classic sci-fi vibe (read: impossible, fucked-up science).
Can’t seem to find the very thorough explainer video that mapped out the entire venus terraforming project which was a major asspain… and it would bring me a lot of joy to put those 1000 people to work.
*this one: Terraforming Techniques - YouTube
Wait, OceanGate or Heaven’s Gate?
After “Fascisti su Marte” (Fascists on Mars) Fascisti su Marte (2006) - IMDb “Rich people on Venus” could be interesting, or better “Natale su Venere” (Christmas on Venus).
Oh, sorry I was thinking it was an idea for an Italian sexy comedy.
To point out the blindingly obvious, if billionaires really had it in their power to turn Venus into a habitable biosphere then they could also fix climate change on Earth with orders of magnitude less effort.
I don’t believe for a second that they could really accomplish the former but fuck them for even talking about it when they won’t use their resources to fix things here.