Oculus execs defend founder's support of Nazi propaganda machine

Several others here have asked about the “Nazi propaganda machine”, and whether there is any actual Nazi propaganda involved. I can’t find any, although I am not an expert at navigating reddit. But the point of a millionaire-funded propaganda machine would seem to require that there be some visible propaganda. I have seen the “too big to jail” thing, and hardly think this should be enough to generate accusations of actual Nazism. It does not seem to be even a fraction of what one would expect from Charlie Hebdo or the like.
It might be that this is more of a “waiting for that pizza was like being in Auschwitz” sort of thing. A trivialization of the actual events, and those who experienced them.

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[quote=“OtherMichael, post:42, topic:86236”]
Card is not an founder of Tor, nor was he recently made a near-billionaire by Tor purchasing his company.[/quote]

Card is making money for Tor, and Tor is selling his products. I know writer aren’t technically employees, but it is similar.

Ok, hold on, from what I read he got bought out (kaching) but according to wiki “Today, he continues to work at Oculus VR on core VR technology.”

So he is working at Oculus developing the tech. He isn’t running it. Yes he has stock in the company. He certainly isn’t using FACEBOOK to further his agenda. I mean, if he was able to manipulate Facebook, he wouldn’t NEED to give a paltry $10k to some shitposting site.

Wait a minute - where is FACEBOOK on this matter? Have they released a statement condemning him?

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Literally, the only good things the nazis ever did. Classic bugs are excellent cars. Otherwise, fuck them.


Seriously? You’re devil’s advocating for Neo Nazis? Seriously? As if some dipshits in a Che t-shirt was somehow equivalent to the resurgence of fascism in western culture? Seeriouslyyyy?


It is also important to remember that I’m not putting my money in that fucking asshole’s pocket.

If your pocket is injured, that is collateral damage, not a reason to buy your product. If you want to sell Oculus to non-Nazis, really ditch him.

There’s a huge difference between “I don’t like that guy” and “That guy supports Nazism.”

Yes, we all have to make choices about what behavior is so bad we’re going to forgo something we want so as not to support it. If Nazism is not on the far side of that line to you, then you are a bad person. On the left, the corresponding belief would be Leninism, but that barely exists anymore.

Because of that, ANY rational company should think “If we want a market bigger than the space of American Nazis, we should maybe ditch this guy.” And if they don’t, well, then, they’ve acknowledged that being a Nazi is less important than being a bro, and deserve what they get.


actually i don’t think they ever built it, it just became a scam to fun the war.

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Who are the Neo-Nazis? What Neo-Nazis? I clicked on 5 stories about this and the only references to Nazis I saw was a DEVELOPER saying he didn’t want to “fund neo-Nazi hate memes” and BB’s title. Which sounds to me like hyperbole.

From the articles I read, he supported a shitposting pro-Trump site for the measly sum of $10k. Though says he is going to vote Johnson, so I have no idea why he did that.

I mean this isn’t NASA in 1950 having to justify employing former Nazi scientists. This is a guy giving money to a pro-Trump org. That might make him a jackass, but not a Nazi.

And Oculus not putting his head on a pike in front of the offices isn’t them “defend[ing the] founder’s support of Nazi propaganda machine.”

Christ, this his how Piggy got killed in Lord of the Flies.

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Yeah, but it was designed prior to the war. Postwar Germany ran with it. They were certainly great cars. I think pretty much anyone putting out a compact is trying to replicate their success.


They also invented the Autobahn, made tremendous advances in rocket science, and strongly promoted animal welfare.

But they also killed millions. So, honestly, fuck the nazis. I’d never say otherwise. I don’t think great car design excuses anything… there have been other posters (since in time out) who’d say that the destruction was worth it. That’s not me.


More like Cambodian Maoism. Bolsheviks did some bad shit, but it wasn’t really a necessary outcome of the ideology.


None of those things were unique to Nazis or required to be done by Nazis or it wouldn’t have happened if there were not Nazis. I think the only thing the we gleaned from the Nazis that wouldn’t have later been discovered if WWII had not had happened were the inhuman medical experiments, and I’d trade losing that knowledge for no WWII.


They don’t need power, and being wealthy is a form of power.

It’s not about saving every starfish, it’s about saving that starfish. As many starfish as you can.


OK, let’s take this in baby steps so you can follow.

  1. He supported . . .
  2. a shitposting site (and seriously, we’re already in a no go zone here) . . . that
  3. promotes neo Nazi and alt right memes in amongst the anti Hilary bullshit.

You really want to make book for this asshole?


“I have always believed that games, and now especially VR, have the potential to bring people together. My view is unwavering. I continue to believe that Oculus can make the world a better place.”

Is he really naïve or just lying ?

Well for starters I (hypothetically, I have no skin in this particular game) am holding up the one company as an example to the other 99 of what will happen if they’re exposed doing the same shenanigans. I’m creating a narrative, I’m sending economic signals, I’m participating in the public discourse that is a part of all social change. I’m making it clear to anyone who cares what it is that I consider to be OK, and what I don’t.

A cop pulls a driver over for speeding. “You were doing 65 in a 60 zone, son. That’s a ticket.”

“But,” the driver protests, “I was just keeping speed with all the other cars on the road! How come I get a ticket and they all get off free?”

“You ever been fishing, son?”

“Well, sure…”

“Did you catch all the fish?”

As far as I can see this argument boils down to “because you can’t do everything, you shouldn’t do anything.” I think it’s a poor argument.


Who are the Neo-Nazis? What Neo-Nazis?

I can’t accept that you’re this clueless and still be able to handle using a computer without swallowing your mouse, so I’m going choose the “dishonest” option.

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The fact is, though, that Palmer is the public face of Oculus, and has been for some time. It’s all well and good for the company to play the ‘freedom of speech’ card, but if it turned out that, say, Steve Jobs was using Apple funds to pay people to post racist political crap, I doubt he’d be the public face of Apple for very much longer.

I’m sure that many talented, open-minded people work at Oculus who are horrified to find out what their boss has been doing with company funds. That doesn’t make me sympathetic to the company as a whole. As long as Palmer’s running the place, they can go under for all I care.


Can you direct me to this? Because so far all I see is the typical anti-Hillary shit. The articles I read from Wired, The Guardian, and thedailybeast point to shit posting - not Neo-Nazi memes. I think all three of these would be all over Neo-Nazi memes.

Again, I am not defending Palmer. I am saying the spill over to Oculus is uncalled for.

Yeah, but if you knowingly let 99 people slide, but then arbitrarily (or not so arbitrarily) go after one person, is that justice?

But more to my point, I don’t think Oculus has done anything to warrant backlash against the company. Furthermore, I guess if this is the one person you care to catch, then my option to let it be one of the 99 to let slide is just as valid, right?

Please link me to these Neo Nazi Memes. Have you seen them? If not, where did you hear about them? Like I said in the articles from the mainstream sites like Wired and thedailybeast and The Guardian, they mention shitposting - not Neo-Nazi memes. The one reference to Nazis was a DEVELOPER saying they wouldn’t support Neo-Nazi memes, but in the absences of evidence this may be hyperbole.

Condemn him all you want for supporting Trump, but I’d like more evidence before calling people Nazis, and more importantly, saying the company he works for “support[s a] Nazi propaganda machine.”