It is funny how they spin kim’s weight loss as the result of a huge personal effort to help the country.
As the article mentions, it is hard to assert if the resident comment was spontaneous and/or approved by the regime, but i find it odd that they don’t mention any reason why it made the resident feel ‘heartbroken.’
I’m not sure if i remember it correctly, but in north korea being overweight is associated with better health and wealth, as you have enough resources to feed yourself and your family, the same way as it happened in other societies when most of the population lived on a subsistence level.
Actually I thought that being overweight in North Korea was cause for suspicion–for ordinary subjects anyway. It meant you had access to food that others did not.
So I’ve been cleaning out my office and rediscovered some pre-millenium publications, including this WIRED from December 1999. It’s funny and weird how many of these ads are for already-long-obsolete websites and products.
“Meet the world’s first Pleasure Air™ stroker. Experience a new type of orgasm as unique pulsating airwaves stimulate sensitive Pacinian pleasure receptors in the frenulum.”