I still have mine! But not my original ones; the ones I got maybe 20 years ago because they reminded me of my old ones.
That one time I helped clearing out a house I ended up with maybe a dozen of the most kitschy Gartenzwerge imaginable. One by one, I sneaked them into other people’s front gardens where they were bound to clash horribly with the landscaping. Most of them were gone again very fast, but one ore two were overlooked for a couple of weeks.
You’ve got a year on me - I got my first pair in 1966. Thick black frames, of course, nerd that I was even then.
I remember the joy of getting my first pair that weren’t made of glass - they had just introduced the high-refractive plastic type of lens, and they were soooooo much lighter than my previous pair. Of course, they were still almost 1/2" thick at the outside edge, but I didn’t care. (My eyes were 8 and 10 diopter correction; add in astigmatism and prisms, and glass lenses become nearly unwearable.)
Eventually, cataract surgery came along 11 years ago, and I have only had to wear reading glasses since then. At $15-$25 each, much more palatable than the $400+ (after insurance) I was paying when I had to replace a pair.
For the first few years, I had granny-style cat’s-eye glasses!
I fuckin love Frankie.
I met an old friend of mine today in the pub, and he has a pair of specs that literally looks like Joe 90’s glasses. With frames proportionately the same thickness as the puppet’s. They actually look pretty cool.
He’s hilarious…
Wake, caffeinate, and bake?
Sounds good my dude!
It’s high time we had coffee together!
I thought all midwesterners were unfailingly polite? That’s what I learned from Prairie home companion, at least…
Maybe they’re still solidly above average?