I’m not saying that everyone who wears a shirt with the sides slit open is a douche bag. But pretty much everyone I’ve met with a shirt with the sides slit open is a douche bag.
The shirt used to have sleeves but he lost them beating the shit out of people.
He needs to wear a Borat thong with it to remove all doubt.
That’s off-duty. You should see him when he’s at work:
They go with the rage boner
What a fashion plate. Love those socks.
Like, everything. It’s pretty impressive, actually. Backwards (Trump) cap, mirrored sunglasses, chinpuff, shitty shoulder tat, prominently displayed cross necklace, sportsball muscle shirt, rubber bracelets (thin blue line?), and cargo shorts, so he can show off how often he skips leg day. That is a nice shiny white Lincoln pickup truck, though, what a shame.
Because it’s America. We have the right to bare arms.
Or a literal nail in the coffin of the civilian dude. You have to be careful around rabid animals. Why would you expect a cop to face consequences for unnecessary brutality?
“Excuse me, son, does your mom know you’re walking the streets dressed like that?”
“O, wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as others see us!
It wad frae monie a blunder free us,
An’ foolish notion.”
― Robert Burns
Sucks that this is what it takes, but I guess at least there’s an “investigation” now in progress.
A fashion crime in progress?
Totally underrated reference

Where does one even buy a shirt(?) like this?
It screams “I am an ENORMOUS douche!”
Yeah, he has all the signs of being on steroids. I wouldn’t provoke the junkie.
The poor officer is ill…it’s plain to see that he has cancer of the clothing, which has obviously metastasized to his personality.
Those shoulder muscles are a common symptom of juicin’.

She can’t search that car without permission or probable cause, correct? He clearly says “get out of my car”
The only probable cause was to search the off-duty cop’s car for steroids.
WWJD? Apparently fuck shit up. (can I say that here?)