Off-the-hook NYE fireworks display in Sydney

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Ok, but did you see Dubai’s show? It was stellar. The whole Burj al Khalifa was a display.


Yes, IAAP <I am a pyrotechnician!>
They sure blew a lot of shit up. sigh
Compare to the entries in Montreal’s
Annual Fireworks Festival, competitive
choreography, tops in the world,
for 35 years. Here’s a sample…


My Aussie friend described this year’s display as “cut down”


All projection from a drone near the camera. Never had to wash a boat. Bridge mass was constant. /s

Things repeated enough they had to have considered an LED scrim that spanned the harbor. And popped loudly.

720p, what is this nye 2010?

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That was an impressive set of sparklers; but the insipid and ill synced-up music sucked so much excitement out of the display.

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Can we just have fireworks without the music. I like the ooos, ohs and awes of the crowd along with the sound of fireworks. If we need to add excitement to something let’s move the performances to council or HOA meetings.

< haughty voice > Adding music and dance to a large public fireworks displays is like adding a vegetable platter to the potluck dessert table. Out of social obligation I will participate in a carrot or cucumber sliver along side a home baked cookie, slice of pie or cake but it does nothing positive for the experience of either. This is not to say one can not end a meal with some vegetables out of choice or necessity, as dessert is not mandatory, nor is including slivers of plants amongst sweets. There is a time for crudités and a time for decadence, the two may even exist at the same event, but each should be enjoyed separately so that the experience of each can be fully enjoyed.

Good day. I said good to you! < /haughty voice >


Actually, here’s an idea. Kick out the Jams, fireworks.

Yeah that adds some energy :smiley:

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It would be interesting to see this kind of study of the effect on birds by fireworks done for Sydney. (Apocryphally for Rome this year) The main difference being the season and kinds/number of birds there.


What, birds fly south for the fireworks?!


Did the fireworks actually happen? Is this all CGI?

Sydney people were strongly discouraged from going into the city to watch.


One of the links mentioned that in the winter, birds more often roost together. So there’s a higher likelihood of them crashing into each other and maybe more continued panic feeding off each others’ responses.

I guess in the summer the birds are more spread out. And I presume the density of fireworks might not be as high in Australia as in Italy, but I don’t really know how the population density (as a proxy for fireworks density) of the Netherlands compares to Sydney.

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Must have been one of the few things the NSW government has “strongly” suggested. Most of what would have been clear directives in any other state are being delivered as vague serving suggestions in NSW.


But think of the cricket!

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Yeah I keep seeing extended lists of where you have to wear a mask, rather than just telling people to wear masks everywhere except this small list of places.

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For a comparison, Sydney a holds a winter light show called 'Vivid Sydney". I have a video from a few years ago. As soon as all the laser lights came on (no sound) all the birds took to the wing.

For reference here’s a compellation of the last 14 years of shows.

Hilarious that the uploader has not made the video available in my country. I live in New South Wales.


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