I appreciate that you’re trying to come up with evocative wordings, but “anthrocide” is just the word “homicide” with the root switched from the latin for man (“homus”) to the Greek for man (“anthrop”). It’s a singular; there’s no way to stretch “anthro” to cover a species.
The word “genocide” is all we’ve got, I’m afraid. Don’t worry; it’s still a very mean thing to call a guy in an argument.
Appreciate the recognition that you’ve rode this train right off the tracks.
So what? I’m not using Greek or Latin. And I prefer how it rolls off the tongue more than anthropocide.
Well clearly I feel differently, now don’t I? When we use genocide in common parlance, we are referring to a specific group of humans. So if I were to say genocide, the cognitive response is to ask “what group?” Now maybe you do not process it as such but it’s my contention that most, and certainly myself, perceive the word “genocide” as such- it needs clarification/modification.
Anthrocide needs no modification, it is quite obvious that I mean all humans. And, as you note, it has teeth. It is conflated to homicide and genocide which imply intention.
I did not intend to say that you are anthrocidal, so my apologies for how that landed.
If we fulfill just the remaining active Oil and Gas investments we’ve made, and pump out only just what we’ve already tapped into, we’re going off the rails, just like this topic but with real consequences- anthrocidal consequences.
Not guilty. I don’t advocate for oil infrastructure; people who purchase oil products and things made with them advocate for oil infrastructure with every purchase. When I led off with “keystone supporter” I meant I purchase oil products and things made with that energy, thus supporting the whole oil industry. My efforts to reduce consumption are nice and all, but considering that reducing my Canadian 15T/year down to even 10T/year (hard) are as nothing when a fair allotment per human would be 0.2T/year. I’m a slightly weaker “oil supporter” with my wallet than most people, but still a major supporter, compared to Bangladeshi.
So I prioritize my climate activism in the direction of lowering consumption, and providing alternatives to carbon, which will eventually kill the whole industry. Diverting my time from those to protesting production is basically time wasted, as it would have no practical, real-world effect.
Sure seems like it would be easier to convince people to lower their consumption of fossil fuels if we didn’t keep using the full might of the Federal Government to keep the prices of those fuels artificially low.