OK State Superintendent using Libs of TikTok to "hunt down school employees who joked about Trump's ear"

Oklahoma is not OK.


old texas “joke” incoming:

“why does texas not slide into the gulf of mexico?”
“because oklahoma sucks!


It’s weird but it’s almost like Oklahoma is having a hard time retaining school teachers and hiring school teachers.


This is no doubt a stupid question, however what infraction of the rules of their employment have the teachers committed that enables the school board to dismiss them without notice and so on?


Some teachers (and other groups, like pro athletes) have a “morals clause” in their contracts, which have been used to try to police behavior of teachers on their off-time. They are legal, but potentially difficult to enforce. Here’s some info:


I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that they’re counting on teachers who commit crimethought* to not have the time, resources, or inclination to fight it, with or without union or ACLU support. After all, the Superintendent knows how little they’re paid.

*Granted, it’s already illegal to directly threaten the POTUS, so part of this is grandstanding B.S., but even then, my understanding is that you’re just as likely to get a polite-but-firm talking to from the Secret Service as you are to get arrested, depending on your choice of words. I remember another blogger (wish I remembered enough to find the link, but it was many years ago) who shared a story of being reported to the Secret Service for a comment that somebody construed as a threat to Dubya. He said they were very professional and there were ultimately no long-term consequences for him (except probably being on a watch list), but he didn’t recommend the experience.


Wishing someone had died from an event that’s already happened does not, by any reasonable person’s interpretation, constitute a threat. Plus, Trump is not the President. None of these statements people are making along the lines of wishing the shooter hadn’t missed are going to result in a visit from Secret Service. A statement like that about the current President…maybe. But not a former President.


I agree, and I probably obscured my point with that digression. Using a morals clause or other shaky means against teachers is of course a way of trying to punish these teachers (and glorify the Orange Turd Messiah) (and pwn the libs) when the law otherwise would not.


It would be nice if they put that much effort into preventing school shootings.


Looks like someone’s bucking for a job as Minister of Education in Lord Dampnut’s reich.


It is worth noting here that actual threats against the currently sitting president — or wishes that someone else visit harm to him – are regularly made. Some of those, I imagine, come from schoolteachers. I wonder whether the Oklahoma State Superintendent has spent a single iota of effort tracking down and firing teachers who might have made statements of that sort. I also wonder whether, if (as I suspect) he has not, whether that fact might give anyone fired for Trump jokes a persuative legal argument to appeal their dismissal.


Nah, Education is first to the chopping block. Don’t need no education to just do as yer told.



Just like Lord Dampnut’s previous head of that department, he is there to destroy it.
Hence, the title Minister of Education.


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