Oklahoma cops yell orders at deaf man, then kill him

Will we need a nega-police force? The police you call on the police? Should we call 119? Perhaps require them to sport goatees and mustaches so we know they are the opposite police force.

Hmmm. I’m into this.

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Joking aside. Seriously. Nothing works faster or more quickly and more assuredly than change/destruction from within.

I have said before. I have friends who are LEO and I know they are good people. But now I am beginning to doubt them. I question them. They have got to act on how it affects our view on all of them.

The militarization of officers, laws enacted by politicians enabling their behavior, etc. have certainly made violence and use of lethal force a big problem. Go back 20 years and police brutality was a huge issue, and now it’s been dialed to 11. I can’t begin to say what needs to happen to have meaningful change occur, but definitely officers need to push for changes in their departments because otherwise things will continue to get worse. They can’t just keep the mentality that its us vs them.


I’m guessing it’s all or mostly anecdotal evidence. No police-friendly organization would do research that would make cops look bad, so it would likely come from a neutral or anti-police violence organization and those tend just to try to count the number of killings since it’s often hard to get an official count.

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Oklahoma cops yell orders at deaf man, then kill him

Does this qualify as an improvement over what they used to do?
-Brought to you by the Departent of Silver Linings.

“Imagine one gang, consistin of the Bloods, Crips and Latin Kings
That’s when you start to realize what the police is
Government funded gang-bangin thugs; that’s what beast is”

–Ill Bill (Non Phixion)

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This, so much this. I have a good friend who wasn’t a cop when the friendship started, but became one several years ago and I cannot help but doubt him just a little with all this shit going on. The same shade of doubt is also creeping in around the three members of my extended family who are officers, despite me otherwise knowing that they’re good people.

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Despite what a publicly edited website says, Fascism is rooted in state support of capital. The US is currently far more fascist than whatever “communist” government you could dredge up from history in that regard. Of course, idiot libertarians would argue against that because capitalism is more “free”.

Then you’re talking about authoritarianism. That’s general term for a government structure or style, not an economic system. In other words, you don’t understand what the word “fascism” means and are just using it as “thing bad”.

Ten years ago. And barely anyone noticed.

They were just working-class kids, so the people with money didn’t give a shit.


Fascism is a form of authoritarianism that relies on radical nationalism. In the case of Nazi Germany and Italy they used a form of capitalism. As I said before any economic system can be used by an authoritarian government for control. Thus you can find examples that shows capitalism supporting fascism as well as socialism/communism supporting other authoritarian governments. One can also find socialism and capitalism being used by free democracies. The real world and history isn’t as simple as an A + B = C statement on a poster.

If one truly thinks that, I’d suggest one read or watch more history. I know people who lived in Communist Poland who would have some choice words. The term “red fascist” was used to describe the USSR and Stalinism. The two share many similarities, including ethnic purges and deportations, even if using different economic systems.

Certainly America has its problems and a mistake as a leader currently. But I don’t see how one can even compare “a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition” between the US today and the Soviet Block. Maybe because they had less racism because they already killed or deported their undesirables?

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Related to the “what is fascism” discussion:

Historically, the most reliable resistance to fascism has come from the radical left. There is a reason why the International Brigades were packed with anarchists and socialists, and why anti-colonialist socialists and communists were the primary resistance to Imperial Japan.

Leftists tend to have a much more sensitive fascism-detector than centrists, and are much more willing to view fascist state power as illegitimate.

This historical pattern is playing out in America as well. The core of the street resistance lies with BLM, the DSA and assorted anarchist groups, while the centre-right Dems are mostly repeating the collaborationist mistakes of the 1930’s.

Fortunately, the people are waking up.

Although people from across the non-fascist spectrum are both welcome and required, it seems very likely that the struggle is going to resolve to what is essentially a contest between socialism and fascism.

So, while it is not necessary to be a socialist in order to fight fascism, you do need to get comfortable with the idea of fighting alongside socialists. Infighting is not a luxury we can afford.











The problem is the USSR tainted socialism the way Hitler tainted the Swastika. Just as unchecked corporate greed has tainted capitalism for some. Calling it tyranny is a bit much, though.

Hell over half the US budget is spent on socialism via social security, medicare, and similar social programs. So it isn’t like the US isn’t at least partly socialist. Though I would agree somethings privatized should be rolled back to the state, like prisons.

Europe and other places has shown some levels of socialism seems to work fine along with capitalism. I don’t think full control on either end is the answer. Let’s be honest, the workers utopia assumes everyone is working in everyone’s joint interest - and that just isn’t what ends up happening.

In normal circumstances, that’s the sort of argument that I’d be happy to see resolved via public debate and non-disruptive political campaigning.

In the present reality, that’s a debate for another time. When I say that the US resistance has a socialist base, I’m not making a statement about what it should be; it’s a (confident) prediction about what it will be.

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While I know that what you say is, at the least, likely. Doesn’t it seem wrong…very wrong?
I mean, their job is policing, shouldn’t they want to do it right?
Shouldn’t they want all the information?

Not wanting to know is tantamount to being guilty, is it not?

Like that orange guy and his boyfriend.

I think you are a ringer from the police policy team.


Both the left and right are increasing in radicalism daily. If you want to keep the outcome moderate, then you need to work to accelerate the solution.

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i can. and, im afraid it’s obvious.

law enforcement means guns. stopping crime means guns.

look at the average tv cop show. guns are how you stop people. you shoot their tires, you shoot their legs, you kill them dead to save the day.

to be clear, im not saying media is the problem. it’s that we all believe these lies to be true.

i can bet you no one blinked an eye at that logo, but in another country? no one would have even dreamed it up.


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Sadly, knowledge becomes liability. If they just plod forward with what they want to do while internal investigations usually clear officers of any wrongdoing, they’ll always come out on top.

I used to work in law enforcement as a dispatcher over ten years ago. The amount of drinking and cynicism and apathy necessary to do those jobs was all I needed to see to get out. There were some good people, but they weren’t as dominant as the Super Trooper asshole cowboys who did what they wanted.