Oklahoma cops yell orders at deaf man, then kill him

I’ve heard tales.

Sadly, this is changing. The police union, in league with certain right wing politicians from the parties Right and the Progress Party are trying to permanently arm Norwegian police in response to the perceived threat of Muslim terrorists. Never mind that the union spokesperson’s plea for arming fell on deaf ears after the gruesome terrorist act of a Christian right-wing ethnically Norwegian boy in 2001…

In addition the right-wing government is happily pushing their me-me-me policies with stuff like ‘help them over there’-programs instead of taking in more refugees, cutting taxes and welfare programs and selling our inheritance (forests, mining and fishing rights) to Russian oligarchs and other multinational corporations. Because according to their stated philosophy, the state shouldn’t own or govern anything at all…

I found myself voting for actual communists (Red) in this years elections because their leader was the only one who seemed sane and trustworthy.

So, don’t worry, we won’t be far behind on your slide into mdness…


yes. started after 911 with the invention of a triplicating monstrosity called homeland security…

S.T.A.C.(s)…band name

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And specifically with collusion with industry, as well as other features that are antithetic to any form of leftist government. You can keep ignoring that part until the cows come home, it won’t make your self-made up definition correct.

Yes, that is a great example of McCarthyite red-scare language using it as incorrectly as possible.

Trump, income inequality the likes we haven’t seen since the gilded age with extreme social stratification, and militarized police like in this very article. Each of these issues are direct results of capitalism, aided and abetted by the state. That is the actual definition of fascism, not “scary bad mean evil commies”.

Learning history is worthless if you don’t understand what you’re learning because you filter it through a Fox News lens.

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I’ve repeatedly given you the correct definition of fascism and none of anything I have said boils down to “commies bad”. I’ve repeatedly said fascism used a form of capitalism. But it was a perversion of capitalism, just the USSR used a perversion of communism.

Yeah, I don’t watch Fox new. If you want to argue against boogie men in your head vs what people actually say, then maybe contain that whole conversation in your head.

It’s ironic that you’re misrepresenting your argument in the exact way you are accusing me of doing so.

Strangely, the behavior that shocked me the most was that the female dispatchers were the first to joke about any woman who called to report a rape being a prostitute who simply didn’t get paid.

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My sister-in-law does not believe in rape. Interestingly, because men are weak-willed.
I’m just glad that she has never chosen to talk about this with me.

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