Originally published at: Oklahoma GOP senator shouts at colleague, "I don't want reality!" | Boing Boing
Repeated head trauma, or pure unadultered assholery?
Probably both.
The latter until the former is proven, them’s the rules.
Mullin is an enrolled citizen of the Cherokee Nation. He is one of five Native Americans who served in the 117th Congress. He is the first Native American senator elected to Congress in nearly two decades, and the second Cherokee Nation citizen elected to the Senate, alongside Robert Latham Owen, who was a senator for Oklahoma from 1907 to 1925.
So, one of those “1/16th” assholes, I guess?
Yeah, I feel your pain, man. Reality’s pretty awful these days. Take you, for example.
I’m sure there’s no shortage of indigenous assholes out there. Rudeness and stupidity are evenly distributed among the people of the world. It’s true though that a disproportionate number of those so afflicted are Republicans.
True, but having grown up in Kansas (not so far removed from Oklahoma in thought processes), I noticed that much of it was about getting around hunting and fishing license fees.
so… on brand for a republican.
Still, there is some contention between the tribes and the Oklahoma government about this…
What I’ve learned from those wiki highlights is
You can be even less and still be native. As far as “officially”, it depends on the tribe and how they recognize members to add to the tribal rolls.
Being on the tribal rolls doesn’t mean you’re not an asshole or even have any cultural connection to your tribe. For many, cultural connections were largely severed as part of mass assimilation programs generations ago. It was so successful some assholes are actively working against native rights.
But on the flip side, there are others who are learning their language, participating in rituals, and making attempts to become active keepers the knowledge and traditions.
You know, I have heard of that, but I always paid for my hunting/fishing licenses. That is until my dad gave me a lifetime one as I was moving out of state.
The Republican party made him and his ilk feel welcome years ago…
I thought he said “Reality has a well-known liberal bias.”
why oh why does BB continue to support Twitter by posting links there?
Today the Cherokee Nation, the largest of the federally recognized Cherokee tribes, has no blood quantum requirement for citizenship. It is obtained by proving lineage to an ancestor listed on the Dawes roll whether that ancestor is listed by blood or not.
I didn’t say the opposite. This is about getting around Oklahoma state fees, not about being able to hunt on tribal lands.
Just carrying on “conservative” values.