Olympic athlete banned for steroids, blames it on a burrito she ate

Originally published at: Olympic athlete banned for steroids, blames it on a burrito she ate | Boing Boing


I wish I didn’t think that the whole anti-doping thing was completely hopeless.


When their menu said “breakfast burrito on steroids”, they weren’t kidding!


Maybe she should of gotten the chicken burrito.


Athletes have brought this on themselves, cheating is a way of life now, long gone is sportsmanship, here to stay is winning at any cost.

P.S. If the fact is that she got the steroid through contact with food 10 hours prior to the test, I’ll eat my hat.


Oral availability of steroids is generally meager. You might get as much as 10% relative to injection - maybe. So that was one mighty big and steroidal burrito. (“Oh, did she mention that she took that burrito in an injection?”)


“Aside from all that, how was the burrito?”


Now known as the “burroido.”


As is almost everything else from business (e.g. Enron) to politics (e.g. Comrade Trump) to college admissions (e.g. Lori Loughlin) to entire sports organizations such (e.g Astros, Patriots). We really should emphasize character development over the cult of celebrity but even that has been weaponized by the GQP (and others) to push an partisan agenda to win at all costs.

As long as we propagate a winners take all society, people will thus try to win at all cost.


There’s a whole lot of iffy details in this case that haven’t been cleared up yet, but it’s nice to see BoingBoing jumping on the “LOL burrito” train.

  1. She was tested and it came up positive back in December/January. Why are we only hearing about it now?
  2. 4 years for a first offense is VERY severe. There have been several people caught in similar circumstances who have been suspended for 1 year or less. Why this?
  3. People rarely dope on their own. She is an athlete who is part of Nike’s Bowerman Track Club. Is Nike standing behind her, like they did for (now former coach) Alberto Salazar?

On the other hand, the tests looking for such things are very sensitive, presuming that athletes would have laid off the steroids for a period of time before the test to avoid getting caught, and so look for the tiniest of trace amounts. Whereas the supposed burrito was eaten within 12 hours. Just because it sounds ridiculous doesn’t mean it’s implausible, which is why the anti-doping agency warns about just such a scenario. The only question is if the burrito story is a cover for doping or not.


Strong Alberto Contador vibes with this one.

edit: I just want to point out that I’m impressed three other people here remember a tainted steak controversy from eleven years ago.



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We know what Simone looks like spinning and tumbling and soaring in slow-mo.

Next up: Shelby eating a burrito in slow-mo.

Given that a lot of their activity pretty much just encourages the use of (sometimes dangerously) untested novel agents rather than more familiar ones(and makes gathering clinical data pretty much impossible); and when their ever more subtle chemists are successful they end up running into the thorny question of “so, um, how do we define norms for olympians, those people specifically chosen for massively performance-enhancing abnormality?” I certainly don’t disagree; but I imagine that it’s a bit of a rush to be engaged in a purity crusade that enjoys so much high-profile support.

Just compare the unanimity and speed of adoption of the UNESCO International Convention Against Doping in Sport to any of those lame, actually important and businesslike UN declarations and entities that try to address controversial stuff like human rights.


Is the competitive advantage of eating pre-meet burritos a little extra propulsion maybe? Like a jet assisted take off?


I was just reading all of pro baseball is corrupt:

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Or tear gassing your opponents?


I absolutely understand this, but the quantity of money in women’s middle-distance racing is a teeny-tiny fraction of that in grand tour cycling.

Also she has a college degree, Contador dropped out of school at 16.


Drug testing in international sports nowadays happens throughout the year and with little warning. This prevents athletes from doping through a training cycle and then going clean for competitions.