On Rittenhouse and white supremacy, Jen Psaki drops the smile and gives Peter Doocy a loud sigh

I have no idea why Kyle Rittenhouse would be considered a white supremacist, I mean all he did was throw up a white power symbol in a bar with men who happened to be singing the song “Proud of Your Boy” from Disney’s Aladdin.



Why is Doocy framing the question as if Faux News isn’t the dog whistle channel?


Internal monologue: “How many more days do I have to put up with this shit?”


Because propagandists for fascism use gaslighting and disingenuous deflection as well as dogwhistling.

It’s all a rich tapestry of psyops designed to make you doubt reality and accept whatever bullshit they’re trying to feed you.


The judge wouldn’t allow it as evidence.
The judge wouldn’t allow video evidence from two weeks before the shooting where Rittenhouse said he wished he could kill looters with his AR-15.
The judge did his own independent research on the length of Rittenhouse’s gun to get the illegal gun ownership charge dropped on a technicality despite neither the defense or prosecution bringing this up. (What, no outrage on the right about “activist judges”?)
The judge has a reputation as being pro-defense.
The judge didn’t allow Rittenhouse’s murder victims to be called “victims” – but did allow them to be called “looters” and “arsonists”.
The judge made a racist anti-Asian joke in the courtroom.
The judge wouldn’t allow any questions about politics going so far as to block prosecution questions about the political leanings from a witness – who works for Steve Bannon’s podcast and is a far-right activist. The judge insists it’s not a political trial, despite Rittenhouse murdering BLM protesters.

Basically – the judge is a Trump-supporting white supremacist who has pre-determined Rittenhouse’s innocence and has done everything he can to ensure that Rittenhouse gets acquitted of all charges.


I don’t mean in the courtroom, I mean when right-wing media claims there’s no proof.


She or anyone from the White House makes a comment about it, that judge slaps a mistrial immediately.


Fox News is not just a joke but a PROBLEM? :open_mouth:


St. Louis Ken and Karen Who Waved Guns at BLM Protesters Attend Kyle Rittenhouse Trial


Birds of a feather flock together
So do pigs and swine
Rats and mice may have their choice
And so will I have mine.

(My choice? You guys!)


Since it seems like there are a few derails in here about Rittenhouse anyway, does it look like it is the judge’s plan to declare a mistrial after Rittenhouse is found guilty? Is there any chance at all that the kid is going to prison?

I can move this to the Follow-Up thread if it is better. The MAGA judge thread is closed.

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