On the topic of guillotines and false equivalencies

I, perhaps more than most on BB, have a vested interest in capitalism. And yet here I am, pointing out that the completely unregulated capitalism pushed by the conservative establishment leads to the kind of inequality that gives rise to Hitlers and Robespierres, and that said conservative establishment will readily ally itself with right-wing populists given the opportunity.

The reason I do this is because, unlike Peter Thiel and his Libertarian ilk, I don’t limit my ideal conception of capitalism to the predatory late-stage version we see in play now, and therefore don’t see it as fundamentally incompatible with liberal democracy. Some on the left here will certainly see that as naive, and that’s fine. But what we’ll agree on is that liberal democracy is by and large a societal good and that fascism is a threat to it that needs to be countered, even with (gasp) uncivil and provocative historical imagery.

Importantly, though, it’s not invisible to you. That’s how you get to…

Even if it means invoking metaphors about white male privilege that some are deeply concerned might hurt the fee-fees of other white males.