One man's horrific saga of inadvertantly destroying municipal infrastructure with superabsorbent water beads

Usually, that’s only a crime when you’re using the impersonation to apply some authority you don’t have. For example, dressing up as a police office doesn’t generally qualify as “impersonating a police officer”, because you haven’t tried to use police authority on other people. If you dress up as a police officer and hand out tickets, then you’re in trouble.


Nope, I’m sure videos like this one where a rusted cassette deck, soaked in water and mud is restored to brand new condition with simple tools, including all the electronic and mechanical components, are completely genuine. It’s a fine example of the genre.


Harribo gold bears swell up like that if you leave them in water (although not as much), and then you can just eat the evidence.

I do have some sympathy for the guy for one thing only, because I too have walked down the road and found shit bubbling out of the ground by my house (literally burst through the pavement). On one of the hottest days of the year too. I’d like to stress that was nothing to do to with me*, it was the end result of a 150 y/o sewage pipe finally giving up.

*well, ok, some of the shit had come from me


This video is hard to watch, in part because it feels like a synecdoche for humanity’s relationship with the whole planet right now. We just haven’t gotten to the ending yet.


Hey, he DID restore it! All he did was replace the chassis, electrical components, buttons and knobs, internal and external wiring, electrical board…


Used surface filler to fill in pits instead of welds. I am disappoint.


I think the restoration is pretty impressive when one considers that he actually turned time backwards, so no replacements were actually needed. Now that is a restoration skill.

It’s so much easier to do restoration videos when you shoot them out of sequence, shooting the end of the video with a brand new product. And the beginning with that same product after being artificially aged.


It’s the fabled Cassette Deck of Theseus!


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