One minute of Trump's Asheville speech vs. the 5 seconds we'll show on the news

Originally published at: 1 minute of Trump speech vs. the 5 seconds we'll show on TV

There’s editing for clarity, then there’s editing out inclarity, and then there’s the work we do for this dumb weird bastard every day to get coherent dialog out of him.


A friend of mine who worked as a newspaper photographer and covered a couple of Trump’s rallies in 2016 was telling me even back then how difficult it was for news organizations to accurately portray just how rambling Trump was without just airing hours of unedited random bloviating, and that the footage inevitably got edited down to a few of the more coherent bits because the editors favored comprehesibility, maybe in part due to the fact that editors are generally trained to make things as brief and comprehensible as possible. Here we are 8 years later and many journalistic organizations still haven’t learned their lesson that it’s not their job to make his ramblings seem understandable.


Balance is a verb.


I don’t know why I’m bothering to make sense of anything this orange menace is saying, but to say the US is becoming or “is” a “third world country” means he fundamentally does not understand what that means. You know, being that the definition of “First World Country” is the US, Canada and its allies as outlined by the cold war.


Trump struggles to stay focused during address billed as big economy speech

The Trump campaign had billed the Republican presidential candidate’s rally in Asheville, North Carolina, on Wednesday as a significant economic address.

But Donald Trump struggled to stay focused on topic during his speech, and continuously veered off message to air grievances against Kamala Harris and inflammatory attacks on undocumented people.

Maybe Old Oranger will blame God?


Wondering if the impediment might be a developing symptom of the ballistic shock wave. He may not be aware of it in real time.


Less is more when the corporate media tries to put lipstick on this particular pig.


It’s also quite evident when he switches from “ad fibbing” and goes back to reading the teleprompter.


The press in last 8yrs
Make Up Tutorial Social Media GIF by Peppa Pig

They have to. Otherwise, every articles would be “old man yelling at the sky” gif.


And with a mystic wave of his (tiny) hands, everyone in the room became intellectuals for the day.


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