Trump tosses word salad

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“Yvonne Jellico was a personal friend of mine. Such an incredible Bible person.”


I scanned the first few comments. Insightful. Ranging from best speach ever to snake oil salesman.


Encouraging Season 1 GIF by Sony Pictures Television


Three solid hours of jibba jabba. I can’t imagine sitting through this.


The idea that a man who has cheated on every woman he’s married, slept with (and then paid-off) a porn star while his wife was pregnant with his child, swindled and cheated contractors, customers, and business partners, bragged on tape about sexually assaulting women, and so on would stand in front of a crowd pretending to be a Bible-reading, Church-attending, morally upright Christian pillar of the community is flatly absurd on its face. It’s cynical, transparently dishonest, and manipulative in ways that are so objectively obvious that you’d expect it to be called out universally.

But I think most of us have a deep-seated, near-unshakeable belief that people are ashamed of doing things that are morally objectionable. So if/when people do bad things, we expect them to try to do so discreetly.

Trump seems to exploit this blind spot by doing morally objectionable things directly in the spotlight, as publicly as possible. So the natural inclination seems to be, no matter how obviously repugnant the thing he’s doing is, to assume that somehow it must be on the level. Because if it was illegal or immoral, he wouldn’t be doing it out in broad daylight where everyone can see him doing it, right?

He even brags about it. His whole “I could shoot someone in public on 5th Avenue and not lose a single vote” statement is saying it plainly for everyone. If shooting that person was wrong, why would he have done it in public in front of everyone? Clearly it must have been okay. Somehow.


Me either. I started it but couldn’t even manage 5 minutes, it’s excruciating.

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Confused, delusional, and slurring adjudicated rapist Donald J. Trump gave a speech to the National Religious Broadcasters that’d end any other politician’s career.

This late into the game, it’s easy to forget how true this is. Imagine any other politician, especially a Democrat, saying anything Trump has ever said. They’d be ruined instantly. Remember when Howard Dean was destroyed just for making a weird “yeeeeeaaarrrgh!” sound? The Republicans have made an exception that Trump and only Trump doesn’t have to be held to any of the standards expected of everyone else, as you’d expect them to. What I still don’t understand is why the media and even the Democrats just shrugged and went along with it.


Yeah, but he doesn’t pretend that. Instead, he praises those who do pretend to be Christian pillars of the community, and tells them that they need him to make their Christofascist dreams come true.

The cult members don’t hold him to their moral standards. They see him as a flawed weapon, but an effective one. He pledges vengeance, not good deeds.


I understand that he was literally preaching to the choir. But I know non-brain-wormed people who can look at 3 minutes of that, and still think Biden is the one who’s no longer fit for office, because the economy or immigrants or whatever. So frustrating.


Trump also engages in what we call “tangential speech.” He just becomes incomprehensible when he engages in free association word salad speech that is all over the place. Again, that’s a sign of real brain damage, not being old, not being slow, not losing a step not being, but of severe cognitive deterioration. What I don’t understand is why those clips aren’t replayed over and over in the mainstream media. Isn’t Trump babbling incoherently the most newsworthy part of his rally? You can be sure it would be if it were Biden.


Trump tosses word salad

Just another day ending in “y.”


One could argue he did the photo op in order to have an excuse to teargas protesters, but he’s also done such photo ops with his spiritual grifting advisor Paula White…


Maybe I’m seeing and hearing things, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen Trump looking and sounding this tired and dispirited as in these clips. May these videos be a harbinger of a rapid, catastrophic decline in his ability to function and sway voters.



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Presumably MTG would like to have a stern word with Paula White about that how that off-the-shoulder number might “tempt your Christian brothers and cause them to stumble”. Or perhaps Paula White gets a free pass because she’s tight with Orange Julius.


It is how ‘hiding in plain sight’ works.


Honest question: why do you think these people don’t have brain worms? That is irrational behavior.


From the interview with Dr Gartner:

“Phonemic paraphasias” —the substitution of non-words for words that sound similar—are not normally seen until a patient enters the moderate to severe stages of Alzheimer’s.

Some examples of Trump’s non-words: Beneficiaries becomes “benefishes.” Renovations become “renoversh.” Pivotal became “pivobal." Obama became “obamna.” Missiles became “mishiz.” Christmas became “Crissus.” Bipartisan became “bipars.”

Trump says a “non-word” in the first clip – “sooden” instead of “students”.


From the article:

Gartner argues that it is actually Donald Trump and not President Biden who is showing diminished mental acuity and dangerous behavior related to aging.

I remember Karl Rove spelling out the playbook: Wherever you are weak, accuse the opponent of exactly that. It puts the target on the back foot, explaining. And it can defuse any attempt to hit you in your weak spots, because it makes the opponent look like a school kid trying to shout “I know you are, but what am I?”