One of the lawyers who won a $49 million judgment against Alex Jones has now filed suit for client in defamation suit against Elon Musk

Precariousness drives Avariciousness, it’s a vicious cycle.
If rich people felt “safer” in “first class”, they might pollute less. Statistically they are less likely to die in crashes, but perceptions are malleable.

“I need to be a warlord, lest the peasants come at me with pitchforks” is definitely not something we should encourage.


Elizabeth Henstridge Marvel GIF by ABC Network


Maybe that is what the guy wants: to go with a huge firework, start another round of conspiracy bullshit bingo and be remembered by his fanbois as a True Hero™ who was killed by [insert invariably wrong replacement for “hybris” here].

Personally, i would prefer if he was simply stripped of his wealth, agency and “fame”.

I think there are columns in magazines which report on has-beens. It would be to much of a stretch to expect that even these would simply forget him.


That brackets the Stephen King vibes I get from that consortium of billionaires who’ve been buying up all that land around Travis AFB. Site for future walled enclave/redoubt for said billionaires to be protected by AFB military suitably encouraged to protect their monied overlords when society collapses.


Poor babies got their feelings hurt here and since then have been deliciously curled up in the warm welcoming embrace of X. They love totally ruined neighborhoods and don’t know it.


If only Unsworth, the man he called “pedo guy”, had been as lawyered up, Musk may have been more likely to be pulled up now for his slanderous/libelous mutterings.


Musk is a term about smell.

Elon does not smell right.

Pro authoritarian fascist Musk.
describing our governance as his personal opinion. This guy is a disaster already happening.
Musk is Trump 2.0 and needs to be educated

Musk is a rich boy. A stupid wiener pretender.

An international bully like his pal Drumpfht

Twitter will be worth $49 million or less by the time this court case finishes, so maybe take that instead of the money? Or take SpaceX machinery that will delay building and repairing his rockets?


With all the debt it has right now, it’s probably worth negative, it’d be stupid to take it.


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