Onebox all the links!

I see. Only one is click counted.

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Right. Just to be clear, I wouldnā€™t expect to be counted for clicking on bothā€” because it only counts unique users, right? But since itā€™s the same URL for either, I would expect to get counted for clicking on either.


Hmm looks like it might be broken againā€¦

Has huffpost oneboxed in the past? I assume yes? Sometimes we see hosts whitelist certain user-agent strings.

At first glance it looks OK to me in ā€“ what do you think @techAPJ

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It used to work, then it broke for a while and @techAPJ fixed it. Now it seems to be broken again. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Deploying latest version here fixed this issue, not sure why this happened again. Will investigate more.


Huffington onebox are working as of now:

Maybe the occasional failure was weird glitch? Will check back next week.


This isnā€™t doing it. It just isnā€™t doing it.

Looks valid in iframely/debug, but itā€™s wordpress so they are likely blocking this forumā€™s user-agent based on my experience looking at other wordpress sites in the past:

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Tweets from users with names in the format of underscore-name-underscore never Onebox properly; the BBS automatically converts the underscores into italics.

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Yeah itā€™s a known issue and can be worked around by URL encoding the underscores.



Are they rotating their shield harmonics, or is the .ca domain throwing it off?

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Looks like thereā€™s a bug where a ! in the URL breaks the oneboxing.


(This might be the same thing @Wanderfound reported up-thread, and escaping the ! with %21 seems to work around it.)

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Wikipedia is hella annoying with their super weird use of unusual characters in URLs. So yeah, youā€™ll need to encode

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would be nice if percentage encoding was something a user could do at the click of a button.

Yeah honestly if it wasnā€™t Wikipedia the answer would be ā€œthese folks are doing something particularly crazy and should be disabused of these notionsā€ and thatā€™s kinda still trueā€¦ but itā€™s Wikipedia so :man_shrugging:


looks relevant,

On the other hand, it is useful for encyclopedists to punctuate article names (and thus URLs)

U.S. Holocaust Museum links not one-boxingā€¦

(I donā€™t see any underscores.)

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Pretty sure they donā€™t provide any opengraph or oembed data on their pages?

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No problem, too bad, understandable. I just had the thought that some people could possible be hesitant to go to a random-looking WWII link based on the URL alone, without a preview of the source.

Next time Iā€™ll do it as a descriptive link when that happens.

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