Ongoing coronavirus happenings

Not according to the article? Seems like it was a joke he made after they had moved the full boxes in, which he did help with. He was joking about moving the empties and did not actually move them as a publicity stunt. He’s an asshole, but Kimmel’s folks were just playing to our expectations of the failures and cruelty of this administration, which I don’t find particularly helpful. It only gives the right ammunition to “bothside” this.

And despite actual moving boxes that were full, if Pence wanted to help, he could actually advocate for policies that are humane, and not this publcity stunt BS (which is what him moving in the full boxes actually contitututes). He’s still a failure as a human being, but just not the way it seems in the edited clip. :woman_shrugging:

[ETA] Here is the Root’s take on the whole thing:


I hope the William Penn statue flipped them off while they were in town.


Pence is probably taking lessons in “Ha, made ya look!” stunts from Trump, so he too can lead the media around by its nose.


Probably so, but to be fair, I don’t think this particular incident is that deep. He just made a joke after they had already done the publicity stunt they came to do.

Kimmel’s team does not look good on this, though.


I like Trump’s new 2020 slogan.

“Trump 2020: Fuck You Elderly Veterans”


= tripping balls


You know who isn’t far away from Donnie?


“We are missing some information, and for us it’s very difficult to infer — from what we get in the water — the number of infected people in the population,” he said.


And I bet those macho dudes are also mighty reluctant to wear masks.


So many more will die, just so Trump can increase his chances of getting re-elected.

His successor should put him and all of his henchfolks on trial for mass murder. (Just a dream, I know, given the spinelessness of the “opposition” party.)


The moral failings of administrations across the globe during this crisis will be of major import to historians. The US will be a big one, but not the only one. The more of us that keep from being a historical footnote or statistic the better though.


Tangential to “Reopening Fever!”, which is what everyone should be calling this murderfest, but I was reviewing ways to manage some cash a little more safely (my primary concern) than having it just sit in my bank account, and came across this gem on the Fidelity website:

If you are like most people, you probably have some cash in a checking account for day-to-day spending, some savings for major purchases or unexpected expenses, and hopefully, an emergency fund with enough cash to pay for 3 to 6 months’ worth of household expenses. You may also have more cash sitting idle in your investment accounts and you’re considering what to do with it, both now and in the future.

I’m lucky, and relatively well off (easily bottom income decile for my profession), despite my life being a long string of stupid mistakes leaving me stuck in a shit house in a shit town with a shit dead-end job. But I digress: six months emergency fund for me would amount to basically half of what I have in my 401(k). And no, I don’t have that sitting in savings. And that’s based on my monthly expenditures now, of course that doesn’t include suddenly having to pay health insurance, etc. for my family.

And maybe I don’t read the right news sources, but so far as I can tell, Bernie Sanders is the only person talking about what we need to do right now to address “10%” (bull-fucking-shit, it’s 10% when the economy is doing well) unemployment.


I can’t think of a better person to do it than that pallid cadaverous chap.


Brazilian pastor says he has a cure for Covid, a handful of magic beans, and asks in return for a donation of US $ 200.00.

According to the newspapers, the video made by Mr. Santiago is is already being investigated by the The Public Prosecutor’s Office.

The São Paulo State Public Prosecutor’s Office declared that “the video is under analysis”. The prosecutors stated that it is up to the state to determine the pastor’s civil liability, in this case. According to the brazilian law, the sale of the “cure” can be classified as the crime of fraud.


Yeah well, looks great, but who knows how widespread that is. :woman_shrugging:


That’s because Johnson pushed biking in PMQ this week while evading one of Starmer’s questions. To his credit, Johnson is an avid cyclist.

My wife suggested that the Cabinet should lead by example. She wants to see Rees-Mogg ride to work on one of these: image


Let me one-up you: