Originally published at: Only one country is anywhere near meeting its Paris Climate Accord goals | Boing Boing
The neoliberal consensus being what it is, at the moment I’m assuming we’re on track for a 2-degree rise by 2050, with a 1.5-degree rise being a certainty. That’s before you add in the not inconsiderable influence of the coal-rollin’ Know-Nothings and holdout deniers. So, y’know, one of my little projects has been doing my best to secure some slightly less miserable “golden years” for myself.
I have mixed feelings on Paris. On the one hand, at least it was something. On the other hand, Paris by itself was never anywhere close to being sufficient. It was at best a tentative step in the right direction and at worst a performative act worthy of Pontius Pilate.
The global failure to make significant progress towards even Paris’s modest goals convinces me it is more of the latter. They will keep kicking the can down the road until it gets stuck in the melting asphalt if we let them.
Sort of like trying to get the Japanese to stop whaling or killing dolphins…no real enforcement.
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