OnlyFans kicks out the sex workers who built it

Now off to register: OnlyFans’Fans .com


Wow! A futurist moggie! How avant-garde.


I spend too much on Boba Fetts to afford another hobby…



Well, there might be, but if there is, nobody gives two shits about it.


A sign that banks have too much power.


The pattern parallels the pirate streaming websites that built their popularity on sharing links to tv shows and movies and then went legit with investor money and media company partners and suddenly only linked to the service where you could subscribe to get access or the website of the show where you could watch clips.


This is about legal consequences. Website owners are no longer protected when a user/subscriber uses it for sex crimes, it’s part of the whole Backpage debacle. All it takes is one unfortunate criminal and the website can be seized, the owner goes to jail, and the investors lose their blood money.

It’s no coincidence, IMO, that Apple recently started scrubbing their cloud for possible sex crimes and turning it over to authorities.

I’m really mixed here. Of course we need to do everything we can to find the criminals, but we are also hurting and even jeopardizing the safety of others during the process. Unsure how to feel.


On OnlyFans, mostly men pay for parasocial “relationships” with the OnlyFans sexual content providers (mostly women). There’s other stuff, but that’s the basis of the platform’s business model. I’m sure the executives have some fantastical narrative for prospective investors about OnlyFans becoming a “turbo-charged” version of Cameo, but that’s about as convincing as when a striptease bar calls itself a “gentleman’s club” (and then gets rid of the strippers).


Mod note: Please do not demean the sex worker industry by suggesting that only deviants or incels used onlyfans. Sex work is a legitimate trade between consenting adults and endures enough scorn without stereotyping the entire population of visitors and content creators.

Non-mod note: I am deeply saddened by the number of comments in this topic making sure to point out that they’ve never used the site. It is exemplary of the problem of why it is so hard for these individuals to ply their trade in the first place.


Yeah, it’s nuts - this is their whole thing. What will they be without it?

I have read about celebs doing racy, very much non-nude photos… which ended up disappointing everyone, apparently (because, given the context, the audience was expecting nudity). Without even the false promise of nudity, I can’t imagine the rest of the content selling.

Obviously they think they’re going to pivot to something else. Even though that “something else” isn’t what they do now, or what they’re know for, or…

Honestly, I looked at OnlyFans for the music/art use it was originally intended for, and it seems like a really promising platform- BUT it’s like 95% porn, and that’s not what I want to associate my brand with. I mean, I’m all for porn and sex workers, especially if it’s in a way that puts them in control, eliminates pimps, and makes their jobs safer. It’s just not you know, my brand.

Personally, I would love it if they had just launched a new art-centric site using a reskinned version of the same platform, and kept the old one the way it is.

Although ultimately, I think it all just comes down to what @vonbobo said:


Sex work and related content should just be normalized as long as its being done safely between consenting adults. Let people get their freak on and if money gets exchanged and that gets taxed, who cares?


I found out that it wasn’t just some random payment processor that’s driving this. Visa and MasterCard threatened them with the perma-banhammer. This means that the executives in charge of OnlyFans would have a lifetime ban against accepting Visa/MC payments. It would make them literally unhireable (as an exec) anywhere around the globe that takes credit cards, for the rest of their lives.

Nobody in charge is going to be able to accept that. It’s worse than a felony conviction, because you could theoretically at least find another country to work in.

That’s some seriously fucked up behavior out of the credit card companies, where they can just give a death sentence to any company that doesn’t match their fucking ”morals”. That’s pretty much the definition of immoral, actually.


It’s not paying for porn so much as providing a means of directly supporting sex workers. (Not a criticism - I think this is a great thing for them to have a safe platform for this kind of thing. Well, it was, at least.)


As I recall, what took down Backpage was their payment processors pulling the plug (puritan hammer), and Backpage resorting to some less than legal ways of moving the money around and getting caught.


I was about to say that. That ridiculus “Females presenting nipples” rule still makes me shake my head.

I think the main problem is here is PayPal since they are getting quite strict with their no smut rules. When the quasi monopoly of online payment doesnt support you because they don´t agree with you selling adult content, you can only ban adult content or you are basically screwed.


I’ve (virtually) met a fair number of folks who use OF as a platform for their adult-oriented content, and totally agree. I’m likewise disappointed to see so many comments belittling such workers and the folks who support them.

It’s an endless cycle, seems like, whether or not the media channel in question is monetized. Tribe, Tumblr, OnlyFans, etc.; other media before that (like pre-code comics and movies). It’s a shame. Enthusiasts make it a burgeoning scene until profit- and power-seeking entities (corporations, governments, organized crime) decide they should be the ones getting the $$, taking control, and exploiting the content creators/service providers and their customers as much as they can.

I have no research to back that up, to be clear; these are impressions I’ve had over a few decades time.


Thank you - I kind of couldn’t understand why you’d bother getting investors and change up a wildly profitable hustle - with what they’re making it would seem feasible to buy more servers and pay more office workers as expansion requires. Knowing, anyway, that fevered speculative capitalism requires expansion at all cost - even going all-or-nothing when you don’t need to.


Isn’t it the way of things to establish some sort of “monopoly” before ones IPO?

Is that what I was doing wrong, you think? Surely this time success awaits.

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