Originally published at: Oopsie! Canadian lawmaker caught naked in online House of Commons meeting | Boing Boing
And yet, for some reason, we all need to know.
“O Canuda”
The nightmares of showing up to school nekkid are coming true. Well played, 2021.
Just a shade ahead of the other nightmare where you show up for a test that you didn’t study for. Combine nakedness with that and you’ve got The Mother of All Nightmares.
Truancy saves.
(Not really, students and legislators. Stay in school/parliament.)
“The member was in good shape.”
Comedy gold!
*edit: “The member was in very good shape.”
He was only visible to other parliamentarians and staffers, one of whom chose to photograph him, share the picture nonconsensually, and then BoingBoing chose to further share it.
Or worse, the test you didn’t study for, for the class you had somehow forgotten to attend all semester, in a classroom that you cannot even remember where it is located.
I was going to ridicule this, but on second thought, you have a point. Just because he didn’t realize his camera was on while he changed and he’s a member of parliament doesn’t mean I should get to ogle him. How would I feel about publishing the pictures if he was a woman?
His exercise regimen is paying off though.
If only I had pearls to clutch.
…25 years after you got you degree? Yup.
EVERYONE should be putting a piece of postit note over their webcam when not in use - and make it a habit to add it as soon as you are done with a call.
Just proving the point (ahem) that Canadian politicians have nothing to hide. Well, very little to hide, apparently
To be fair, in one case I was (by the end of the dream) actually going for a 2nd degree, or a Masters degree. Still cannot explain why so many of my high-school classmates were attending that college…
And don’t forget the seemingly short supply of clean bathrooms which contain doors.
On-Topic: I solved the Zoomy-Flash danger with a little electrical tape. It’s amazing how useful that stuff is.

EVERYONE should be putting a piece of postit note over their webcam when not in use - and make it a habit to add it as soon as you are done with a call.
Laptops should come with a slider to slide over the lens, only to be slid back when necessary. The first mfr who gets that this would sell will have a sure-fire differentiator (for a while).

Laptops should come with a slider to slide over the lens, only to be slid back when necessary. The first mfr who gets that this would sell will have a sure-fire differentiator (for a while).
How about an LED next to the camera that lights up when it is on? (like the blinking red lights which (used to be) common on hand-held video cameras?)
Very nice idea, but I would not like to be trying to look at my lens on a zoom call, with a red light next to it imprinting itself on my retina.