Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/11/03/oopsie-facebooks-instagram-is-telling-users-the-election-is-tomorrow.html
They aren’t just evil, they’re incompetent, too.
Phone banking for Biden yesterday I spoke to a person in Georgia who was convinced Wednesday was voting day.
Facebook? Not saying it was Facebook, but it was probably Facebook.
That image is a pretty cool optical illusion. If you stare it appears that his eyes are moving, but they really aren’t, it’s a still image.
The pale skin and freckles cause your mind to think the eyes are moving. The illusion is called the Zuckerbot-2020 effect, and it can drive a man insane (not women though. And no more than one man)
Hah. You almost got me there.
But it’s a 63 frame animated gif.
Yes but if you look at the frames they are all identical, so there isn’t any animation other than that which your mind creates due to the illusion
Hmmm. I wonder which ones.
No; the center of the forehead and nose moves in small circles. It’s subtle, but definitely there.
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